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IMPEACHMENT OF ANT1PIION. $5 claimed to have assassinated him. 1 The other three, Antiphon, Archeptolemus, and Onomakles, 2 were presented in name to the senate by the generals, of whom probably Theramenes was one, as having gone on a mission to Sparta for purposes of mischief to Athens, partly on board an enemy's ship, partly through the Spartan garrison at Dekeleia. Upon this presentation, doubtless a document of some length and going into particulars, a senator named Andron moved : That the generals, aided by any ten sena- tors whom they may choose, do seize the three persons accused, and hold them in custody for trial ; that the thesmothetae do send to each of the three a formal summons, to prepare themselves for trial on a future day before the dikastery, on the charge of high treason, and do bring them to trial on the day named ; assisted by the generals, the ten senators chosen as auxiliaries, and any other citizen who may please to take part, as their accusers. Each of the three was to be tried separately, and, if condemned, 1 That these votes, respecting the memory and the death of Phrynichus, preceded the trial of Antiphon, we may gather from the concluding words of the sentence passed upon Antiphon : see Plutarch, Vit. x, Oratt. p. 834, B: compare Schol. Aristoph. Lysistr. 313. Both Lysias and Lykurgus, the orators, contain statements about the death of Phrynichus which are not in harmony with Thucydides. Both these orators agree in reporting the names of the two foreigners who claim ed to have slain Plirynichus, and whose claim was allowed by the people afterwards, in a formal reward and vote of citizenship, Thrasybulus of Kal- ydon, Apollodorus of Megara (Lysias cont. Agorat. c. 18, 492; Lykurg. ront. Leokrat. c. 29, p. 217). Lykurgns says that Phrynichus was assassinated by night, " near the fountain, hard by the willow-trees :" which is quite contradictory to Thu- cydides, who states that the deed was done in daylight, and in the market- place. Agoratus, against whom the speech of Lysias is directed, pretended to have been one of the assassins, and claimed reward on that score. The story of Lykurgus, that the Athenian people, on the proposition of Kritias, exhumed and brought to trial the dead bodyof Phrynichus, and that Aristarchus and Alexikles were put to death for undertaking its defence, is certainly in part false, and probably wholly false. Aristarchns was then at (Kiiof-. Alexikles at Dekeleia.

  • Onomakle's had been one of the colleagues of Phrynichus, as general of

the armament in Ionia, in the preceding autumn (Thucyd. viii, 25). In one of the Biographies of Thucydides (p. xxii, in Dr. Arnold's edition |, t is stated that Onomakles was executed along with the other two ; but th document cited in the Pseudo-Plutarch contradicts this.