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Four Hundred should convene The Five Thousand, wnenever they thought proper : thus assuming the latter to be a list already made up and notorious, at least to the Four Hundred themselves. The real fact was, that the Five Thousand existed nowhere except in the talk and proclamations of the conspirators, as a sup- plement of fictitious auxiliaries. They did not even exist as individual names on paper, but simply as an imposturous nominal aggregate. The Four Hundred, now installed, formed the entire and exclusive rulers of the state.[1] But the mere name of the Five Thousand, though it was nothing more than a name, served two important purposes for Antiphon and his conspiracy. First, it admitted of being falsely produced, especially to the armament at Samos, as proof of a tolerably numerous and popular body of equal, qualified, concurrent citizens, all intended to take their turn by rotation in exercising the powers of government ; thus lightening the odium of extreme usurpation to the Four Hundred, and passing them off merely as the earliest section of the Five Thousand, put into office for a few months, and destined at tho end of that period to give place to another equal section.[2] Next,

  1. Thucyd. viii, 66. (Symbol missingGreek characters) Plutarch, Alkibiad. c. 26.
  2. Thucyd. viii, 72. (Symbol missingGreek characters) iv , etc.
    viii, 89. (Symbol missingGreek characters)

    viii, 92. (After the Four Hundred had already been much opposed and humbled, and were on the point of being put down)—(Symbol missingGreek characters)