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CONTENTS. zi ing process unhappily unknown. Megalopolis the Pan- Arcadian Ten Thousand. Epaminondas and his army evacuate Peloponnesus. The Spartans solicit aid from Athens language of their envoys, as well as those fiom Corinth and Phlius, at Athens. Reception of the envoys the Athenians grant the prayer. Vote passed to aid Sparta Iphikra- tes is named general. March of Iphikrates and his army to the Isthmus. Trial of Epaminondas at Thebes for retaining his command beyond the legal time his honorable and easy acquittal 174-241 CHAPTER LXXIX. FROM THE FOUNDATION OF MESSENE AND MEGALOPOLIS TO THE DEATH OF PELOPIDAS. Changes in Peloponnesus since the battle of Leuktra. Changes out of Pe- loponnesus. Amyntas prince of Macedonia. Ambitious views of Ath- ens after the battle of Leuktra. Her aspirations to maritime empire, and to the partial recovery of kleruchies. She wishes to recover Am- phipolis Amyntas recognizes her right to the place. Athens and Amphipolis. -"Death of Jason and Amyntas state of Thessaly and Macedonia. Alexander of Pherse he is opposed by Pelopidas in- fluence of Thebes in Thessaly. State of Macedonia Alexander son of Amyntas Euridike Ptolemy. Assistance rendered by the Athenian Iphikrates to the family of Amyntas. Iphikrates and Timotheus. The Spartan allied army defends the line of Mount Oneium Epami- nondas breaks through it, and marches into Peloponnesus. Sikyon joins the Thebans Phlius remains faithful to Sparta. Reinforcement from Syracuse to Peloponnesus, in aid of Sparta. Forbearance and mildness of Epaminondas. Energetic action and insolence of the Arcadians Lykomedcs animates and leads them on. Great influence of Lykome- des. Elis tries to recover her supremacy over the Triphylian towns, which are admitted into the Arcadian union, to the great offence of Elis. Mission of Philiskus to Greece by Ariobarzanes. Political importance of the reconstitution of Messene, which now becomes the great subject of discord. Messenian victor proclaimed at Olympia. Expedition of Pe- lopidas into Thessaly. The Tearless Battle victory of the Spartan Archidamus over the Arcadians. Third expedition of Epaminondas in- to Peloponnesus his treatment of the Achaean cities. The Thebans reverse the policy of Epaminondas, on complaint of the Arcadians and others. They do not reelect him Boeotarch. Disturbed state of Sikyon. Euphron makes himself despot his rapacious and sanguinary conduct. Sufferings of the Phliasians their steady adherence to Sparta. Assistance rendered to Phlius by the Athenian Chares surprise of the fort of Thyamia. Euphron is expelled from Sikyon by the Arcadians and Thebans he retires to the harbor, vhich he surrenders to the Spar tans. Euphron returns to Sikyon he goes to Thebes, and is there assassinated. The assassins are put upon their trial at Thebes theii defence. They arc acquitted by the Thebaa Senate. Sentiment among the Many of Sikyon, favorable to Euphron honors shown to his body and memory. The Sikyonians recapture their harbor from the Spartans. Application of Thebes for Persian countenance to her head- ship mission of Pelopidas and other envoys to Susa. Pelopidas ob- tains fi om Persia a favorable rescript. Protest of the Athenians and Arcadians against the rescript. Pelopidas brings back the rescript. It is read publicly before the Greek states convoked at Thebes. The state? convoked at Thebes refuse to receive the rescript. The Arcadian depu- '.ics protest against the headship of Thebes. The Thebans send the re