Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/530

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438 FURTHER INDIA. BOOK VIII. including a plinth 6 ft. high. It is surmounted by three storeys set back one behind the other, the lower one 1 1 ft. 5 in., the 486. At Chandi Kali-Bening, near Kalasan. (From a Photograph.) next 14 ft. 9 in., and the upper one 13 ft, these were probably crowned with a dagaba about 22 ft. high, giving a total height of about 72 ft. The general design of the lower portion of the building is shown in the illustration of the porch (Plate LIV.), the upper storeys were decorated with rich canopied niches, each containing a statue of Buddha like those flanking the central doorway, with twenty-four miniature dagabas surmount- ing the first storey, sixteen the second storey and eight the third storey, and these grouped round the great central dagaba must have produced an exceptional effect. The gorgon head over the side doorways is shown in Woodcut No. 486. About 150 yards south of Kali-Bening Sir T. Stamford Raffles came across the remains of an ancient building, of which he gives the plan ; it consisted of a central hall surrounded by a portico or verandah, the whole carried by thirty-six square