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paſſed meeting with nothing remarkable, till at this length, coming to the foot of a high mountain, late at night, he knocked at the door of a loneſome houſe, at which time, an ancient man with a heart as white as ſnow, aroſe and let him in. Father ſaid Jack, have you any entertainment for a benighted ttaveller that has lost his way? Yes, ſaid the old man, if thou wilt accept of ſuch accommodation as my poor cottage will afford, thou ſhall be right welcome. Jack returned him many thanks for his great civility, wherefore down they ſat together, and the old man began to diſcourſe him as follows: "Son, ſaid he, I am ſenſible thou art the great conqueror of Giants, and it is in thy power to free this place of the country free in an intolerable burden which we groan under: For behold, my ſon, on the top of this mountain, there is an enchanted caſtle kept by a huge monſtrous Giant named Galligantus, who, by the help of an old conjuror, betrays many Knights and Ladies into the ſtrong caſtle, where, by Magic Art, they are transformed into ſundry ſhapes and forms, but above all, I lament the ſad misfortune of a Duke's daughter, whom they fetched from her father's garden by art, carrying her through the air in a mourning chariot, drawn, as it were, by two fiery dragon and being ſecured within the walls of the caſtle ſhe was immediately transformed into the real flag of a White Hind; though many worthy Knights have endeavoured to break the enchantment, and work her deliverance, yet none of them could accompliſh this great work, by reaſon of two dreamful Griffins, who were fixed by Magic Art, at the entrance of the caſtle gate, who deſtroys any, ſoon as they ſee them, but you, my Son, being furniſhed with an Inviſible Coat, may paſs by the undiſcovered, where on the brazen gates of the