Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/213

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addition of 100 volumes, bringing the total number up to 900, with an average issue of 198 volumes. The Session and Deacons' Court appoint one of their number each month to visit and report on the school, so that teachers and taught may feel that their work is both appreciated and sympathised in by the office-bearers.

Pelichet Bay School has an average attendance of 45. Though the number is small as compared with the main school, the small band of teachers attached to this school do their work most faithfully. The district is a somewhat poor one, and the parents do not attend to the regular attendance of their children as well as might be desired.

Mt. Cargill School.—Owing to the departure of Miss Moir from the district, the school has not been as regularly conducted as formerly. An enthusiastic volunteer is wanted to take up this work.


This institution is coeval with the congregation. For many years it had the active assistance of many of the founders of the church. It is with satisfaction we have to record that the attendance has been more steady for the year, if not more numerous, than for years past. In addition to a brief, and in the main practical exposition of a portion of Scripture, prayer is offered for the different objects which interest the congregation, as missions, church extension, Sabbath schools and Bible classes, the children, the members, the Industrial School, the Benevolent Institution, the Hospital, and the Asylum. It would encourage and gratify the friends of the prayer meeting if our ofiice-bearers were able to give their presence and co-operation with greater frequency.


The total sum collected during the year for missionary purposes was £226 16s. 5d. Of this, the Missionary Association raised £84 5s. 6d., the Sabbath Schools contributed £77 17s. 7d., Mr. Chisholm's Bible Class £12, the Minister's Bible Class £6, while £46 13s. 4d. was raised as a special collection for Rev. Mr. Milne's benefit. Of the Sabbath Schools contribution, the sum of £20 was allotted to