Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/255

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2H , THE HI S;T..OR Y ,-. . Boojt L five frontiers, the precin&s of the. ferveral fortrefles muft have had their particular objects all diftinguiuied, by particular names,,. Thus the Voluntian garrifon .of the previoufly denominated Axelodunum muft have given the appellation of Goats-Head ta a remarkable eminence which was in their neighbourhood^ which was upon the edge of the previoufly denominated Tunno-.' celum or Solway Frith, and on which the Romans afterwards conftru&ed the ftation of Gabrocentum. The Gadenian garri- fon of Aballaba or fome nearer fortrefs muft have given the name of Congavata or the Shelving and of Amboglanna or the. Rounded Dale to two remarkable vallies in the vicinity of the' fort. And the Ottadini of Vindolana, Procolitia, Vindobala, and* Segedunum muft have conferred the names of jflLfica or Water upon a neighbouring Rivulet and of Cilurnum or the Creek upon a recefs in the bank of a neighbouring ftream, and have given the appellations of Hunnum Cunnum or the Height ana of Condercum Cond Ar Gui or the Height upon the Water to two neighbouring eminences ? . Tbus muft the ftriking obje&s in the vicinity of thefe Britiih forts have, been all diftinguifhed by particular names among the Britons. Thefe names the Britons muft have impofed upon the places before the Romans had in- vaded their country. Thefe names the Britons muft have con-' tinued to the places when they ere&ed their towns in the vici- nity of the Roman ftations. And the Romans naturally retained the one when they conftru&ed their little chefters on the Other io . For want of the fame notices as the Romans have accidentally tranfmitted to us concerning the Britiih fortrefles in one particular region of the north, the names of the principal obje&s in the vici- nity of the original Mancenion are now moft of them loft. And the Lrwell the Medlock the Cornebrooke and the Irke are almoft the only remainder of them. What the others were, however, yre may pretty nearly conjecture in general from the above- mentioned names in the neighbourhood of the above-mentioned fortrefles. The. valley of" the Roman cattle, being nearly en- circled with a^fweeppf -gently riling hills, might have received ,• ;. the