Page:History of Modern Philosophy (Falckenberg).djvu/140

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"8 DEVELOPMENT OF CARTESIANISM. . B. Auerbach has worked Spinoza's life into a romantic novel, Spinoza, ein Denkerleben, 1837 ; 2d ed., 1855 [English translation by C. T. Brooks, 1882.] We shall consider Spinoza's system as a completed whole as it is given in the Ethics; for although it is interesting for the investigator to trace out the development of his thinking by comparing this chief work with its forerunner (that Tractatus Brevis " concerning God, man, and the hap- piness of the latter," whose dialogistical portions we may surmise to have been the earliest sketch of the Spinozistic position, and which was followed by the Tractatus de Intel- lectus Emendatione) such a procedure is not equally valuable for the student. In regard to Spinoza's relations to other thinkers it cannot be doubted, since Freudenthal's* proof, that he was dependent to a large degree on the predominant philosophy of the schools, i. e. on the later Scholasticism (Suarez f), especially on its Protestant side (Jacob Martini, Combachius, Scheibler, Burgersdijck, Heere- boord) ; Descartes, it is true, felt the same influence. Joel,:}: Schaarschmidt, Sigwart,§ R. Avenarius,^ and Boh- mer|| have advanced the view that the sources of Spi- noza's philosophy are not to be sought exclusively in Carte- sianism, but rather that essential elements were taken from the Cabala, from the Jewish Scholasticism (Maimonides, 1 190; Gersonides, died 1344; Chasdai Crescas, 1410), and from Giordano Bruno. In opposition to this Kuno Fischer

  • J. Freudenthal, Spinoza und die Scholastika.}!xz Philosophische Aufsdtze,

Zeller zum c^o-Jdhrigen Doktorjubildum gewidmet, Leipsic, 1887, p. 85 seq. Freudenthal's proof covers the Cogitata Metaphysica and many of the principal propositions of the Ethics. f The Spanish Jesuit, Francis Suarez, lived 1548-1617. Works, t.vict, 1714. Cf. Karl Werner, Suarez und die Scholastik der letzten Jakrhunderte, Regensburg, 1861. X M. Joel, Don Chasdai Crescas' religions-philosophise he Lehren in ihrem geschichtlichen Einjluss, 1866 ; Spinozas Theo.-pol. Traktat auf seine Quellen geprU/t, 1870 ; Zur Genesis der Lehre Spinozas mitbesonderer Bericksichtigung des kurzen Traktats, 1871. § Spinozas neu entdeckter Traktat eldutert u. s. 7v., 1866; Spinozas kur- zer Traktat ubersetzt mil Einleitungen und Erlduterungen, 1870. T[ Ueber die beiden ersten Phasen des Spinozistischen Pantheismus und das Verhdltniss der zweiten zur dritten Phase, 1868. 11 Spinozana in Fichtc's Zeitschrift fur PhiUsophie, vols, xxxvi., xlii., Ivii., 1860-70.