Page:History of Modern Philosophy (Falckenberg).djvu/619

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WEISSE, I. //. FICHTE, ULRICI. 597 self-conscious personality, free creative spirit, is this from all eternity, and does not first become such through the world- development. He does not need the world for his perfec- tion, but out of his goodness creates it. Philosophy must begin with the living Godhead instead of beginning, like Hegel's Logic, with the empty concept of being. For the categories — as Schelling had already objected — express necessary forms or general laws only, to which all reality must conform, but which are never capable of generating reality; the content which appears in them and which obeys them, can only be created by a Deity, and only em- pirically cognized. This is the standpoint of Christian Her- mann Weisse* in Leipsic (1801-66), Karl Philipp Fischer f in Erlangen (1807-85), Immanuel Hermann FichteJ (1797- 1879; 1842-65 professor in Tubingen), and the follower of Schleiermacher, Julius Braniss in Breslau (1792-1873). The following hold similar views, influenced, like Weisse and K. Ph. Fischer, by Schelling: Jacob Sengler of Frei- burg (1799- 1 878 ; The Idea of God, 1845 ^^Q^^ Leopold Schmid of Giessen (1808-69; cf. p. 516, note), Johannes Huber (died 1879), Moritz Carri^re § (born 1817), both in Munich, K. Steffensen of Basle (1816-88 ; Collected Essays, 1890), and Karl Heyder in Erlangen (1812-86; The Doctrine of Ideas, vol. i. 1874). Chalybaeus at Kiel (died 1862), and Friedrich Harms at Berlin (died 1880; Metaphysics, posthumously edited by H. Wiese, 1885), who, like Fortlage (p. 515) and L H. Fichte, start from the sys- tem of the elder Fichte, should also be mentioned as sympa- thizing with the opinions of those who have been named. ♦Weisse: System of Esthetics, 1%'io; The Idea of the Godhead, %'iy. Philo- sophical Dogmatics^ 1855. His pupil Rudolf Seydel has published several of his posthumous works ; H. Lotze also acknowledges that he owes much to Weisse. Rud. Seydel in Leipsic (born 1835), Logic, 1866; Ethics, 1874; cf. p. 17. f K. Ph. Fischer: The Idea of the Godhead, 1839; Outlines of the System of Philosophy, Zifiseq.; The Untruth of Sensationalism and Materialism, 1853. ^ T. H. Fichte : System of Ethics, 1850-53, the first volume of which gives a history of moral philosophy since 1750; Anthropology, 1856, 3d ed., 1876; Psychology, 1864. gCarriere : Esthetics, 1859, 3d ed., 1885 ; The Moral Order of the World, 1877, 2d ed., 1891 ; Art in connection with the Development of Culture, 5 vols., 1863-73.