Page:History of Prince Charles Edward Stuart.pdf/10

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     horse and dragoons, to join those that had been
     sent off from the Duke's army. They pursued
     with much alacrity, and having overtaken the rear
     of the rebel army, had a few skirmishes in Lanca-
     shire. Though the millitia of Cumberland and
     Westmoreland were raised and armed, by the
     Duke's order, to harass them in their march, and
     though the bridges were broken down, the roads
     damaged, and the beacons lighted to alarm the
     country, they retreated very regularly with their
     small train of Artillery. On the 19th of the
     month the highland army reaehed Carlisle, where
     the majority of the English in it were left at their
     own desire, after which Charles reinforced the ga-
     rison of the place, and crossed the rivers Eden
     and Solway into Scotland ; having thus accom-
     plished one of the most surprising retreats, per-
     haps ever performed. They comitted no violence
     nor outrage, and they were effeetually restrained
     from the exercise of rapine. Though the weath
     er was excessively cold, and though they must
     have been exposed to much hunger and fatigue,
     they left no sick, and lost only a few stragglers,
     but retired in good order, carrying off their ean-
     non in the faee of the enemy. The Duke of
     Cumberland invested Carlisle with his whole ar-
     my, on the 21st day of December; and on the
     30th, the whole garrison surrendered by a kind