Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/441

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��miles wide and eigliteen miles long, embracing six Congi-essional townships, namely : Jeffer- son. Peny, Congress, North Blooming Grove, Tro}- and Washington. So rapidl}- this terri- tory was settled, that a new election district seemed proper, and, September 5. 1814, the ter- ritory in qnestion was divided, and the north half received the name of Troy. This left to Jefferson three townships, the present Jeffer- son, Perr}' and Congress ; and while it retained this ])Oundary. one election was held. Michael Shuey, Benjamin Potts and John Leedy were chosen Trustees, and William Spears. Clerk. The township was heavil}' in debt, so they re- garded it, and the Trustees agreed to serve for nothing; and by common consent William Spears was allowed $1 for services as Clerk. On September 3. 1816. this election district was again divided, and the Jefferson Township of to-da}- was then organized. The Township Trustees made a final settlement with the Trust- ees of Verry Township October 12, 1816, and the indebtedness of the old district was $54.94, which was equall}' divided — Jefferson assuming one-half The Trustees of this turned over to Perry one-half of a bond of $17 which they held against William Spears and John Zent, given for a stray horse the former purchased. The first election, after the township was re- duced to six miles square, was held in April, 1818, and the following persons were elected to office : Justice of the Peace, Michael Shuey ; Trustees, Samuel Devo, Barson Sweet and Enoch Ogle ; Clerk, Timothy Evarts ; Consta- bles, William Casper and Benjamin Thrailkill. The names of the voters at this election, and the place of their nativity and location in the township, are as follows :

Charles Strong, from Maryland, southeast quarter of Section 29 ; Gleorge Strong, from Maryland, southeast quarter of Section 33 ; John Strong, from ^laryland, southwest quarter of Section 27 ; Isaac Armstrong, from Mary- land, northwest quarter of Section 24 ; Fred

��Wise, from Pennsylvania, northeast quarter of Section 34 ; ^Martin Crow, from Pennsylvania, northwest quarter of Section 26 ; Casper Fitting, northwest quarter of Section 33 ; Thomas Gris- wold. northwest quarter of Section 30 ; William Casper, from Kentuck}-, northeast quarter of Section 27 ; Benjamin Hennis, northeast quarter of Section 19 ; John Robinson, from Pennsyl- vania, southwest quarter of Section 11; John Gatton, from Maryland, northeast quarter of Section 13 ; Jacob Culver, from Pennsylvania, northeast quarter of Section 10 ; Barson Sweet, from "V^ermont, northwest quarter of Section 16 ; Abram Vaughn, from ^Maryland, southwest quarter of Section 15 ; James Doughty, from New York, southwest quarter of Section 9 ; Abineal Dodge, from New York, northeast quar- ter of Section 16 ; Michael Shuey, from Penn- sylvania, southeast quarter of Section 6 ; Adam Shafer, from Pennsylvania, southwest quarter of Section 6 ; Christian Aungst, from Virginia, northeast quarter of Section 8 ; Benjamin Potts, from Vermont, southwest quarter of Section 7 ; Chancy D. Wright, wheelwright, in Bellville ; John Weaver, from A'irginia. northeast quarter of Section 18 ; B. F. Thrailkill. from Maryland, northeast quarter of Section 28 ; Caleb Selb}-, southeast quarter of Section 19 ; Gideon Corn- wall, from Virginia, northwest quarter of Section 1 5 ; Amos Hartly, from Mar3-land, northwest quarter of Section 31 ; Peter Boham, southwest quarter of Section 20 ; John McDowel, north- east quarter of Section 21 ; William Mahagan, from Mar^-land, southwest quarter of Section 31 ; Peter Strine ; Samuel Bevo, northeast quar- ter of Section 31 ; Thomas Durbin, from Vir- ginia, southeast quarter of Section 9 ; Scott Durbin, from Virginia, southeast quarter of Section 9 ; William Price, northeast quarter of Section 16 ; John Fordney ; Philip 3Ierring, from New York, southwest quarter of Section 4 ; Phineas ^lerring (wheelwright), from New Jersey, southwest quarter of Section 4 ; Timotliy Evarts, from A^ennont. southeast quarter of

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