Page:History of the French in India.djvu/121

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ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIS ACTS. 99 solid rampart to be erected along the entire length of chap. the open space, with a broad and deep ditch in its front. On this, night and day, workmen were em- 1743 ployed ; yet with all their vigilance, the rampart was not completed until nearly two years' after war with England had broken out, and it required the exercise of all the genius and talent of Dupleix to prevent an attack, by a powerful English squadron, on the un- finished defences. The expenses of this undertaking Dupleix supplied by his purse and by his credit. From the same sources he furnished cargoes to the two vessels which, in pursuance of the notification, came out to Pondichery, and which otherwise would have been forced to return empty. The other point, that of reducing the public expenditure, he carried out with a firm hand. The difficulty of his situation in this respect was enhanced by the fact that he alone was intrusted with the execution of the order ; that he was thus not only deprived of the support of his Council, but its members might cast obstacles in the way of the carrying out of a requisition, in which they were so lightly treated. Abuses were put down, corruption was strangled, salaries were reduced, until, in spite of mur- murs on all sides, which, however, were not directed against him personally, the necessary reductions were effected.* These proceedings on the part of Dupleix were most agreeable to the Company. His very disobedience of their order, in repairing and completing the fortifications of Pondichery, seems to have met with their approval. No wonder, perhaps, considering that the expense of those repairs and of that completion had fallen upon himself! We find them writing to him a letter, dated November 21, 1744, regarding the provision of cargoes for the two ships they had sent out : " The Company, as you will see by this letter, has been very much pleased

  • Memoire pour Dupleix.

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