Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/516

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502 Index. Montrose, 313 Morley, Samuel, 464 Morpeth, Lord, 291, 299, 305, 345 Municipal reform, 264, 269, 270, 274 ; in Ireland. See Ireland Muntz, G. F., notes on pp. 322, 364, 378 Murray, Sir George, 285 Mutinies in the fleet, 66 N Napier, Sir C, 407 Napoleon III., 388, 427, 456 Nation, the, the Tory idea of excluded all consideration of the people, 25 National debt, the, its increase from 1793 to 1796, and for American war, 64 ; its increase during 1797, 66 ; by war with France to 1801, 74 ; Chartist petition, 1842, 322 ; proposals to reduce it, 385. 475 Navarino, battle of, 205 Navigation laws, repeal of, 370 Newcastle, town of, 14, 161, 231 Newcastle, Lord, 410, 430 Newspaper stamp, proposals for repeal, 255, 275, 400, 415 Nonconformists and Radicals : Test and Corporation Acts, 49 ; proposals to repeal laws against them, 57, 105 ; their position in the party, 104 ; bill to control their ministers, 105 ; education of factory and pauper children, 329 etseq. Non-intervention in foreign affairs advo- cated by Peel and Radicals, 379, 380 Normanby, Lord, 299, 304 Norway, 113 North, Lord, 35, 40, 41, 42 Nottingham, 107, 124, 357, 358 O Obstruction in the House of Commons, first signs of in 1806, by the Tories, 84 O'Connell, Daniel, leader of the Catholic movement, 181 ; declaration as to evasion of Acts of parliament, 184 ; his influence in Ireland, 193 ; county Clare election, 213 ; petty persecution, 216, 218 ; triennial parliaments, vote by ballot, and universal suffrage, 221, 297; repeal of the union, 235; coer- cion proposal, 252 ; alliance of Whigs with him, 263 ; House of Lords, 270 ; deserts Radicals, 275 ; Kilkenny elec- tion and the Radicals, 285 ; Irish tithes, 291 ; the charter, 293, 297, 301, 322 (note); repeal agitation, the "Three F.'s," 330 ; his arrest, 330 ; trial and sentence, 337 ; his death, the effect on parties, 357 O'Connor, Feargus, leader of the reformers, outside Parliament, 295 ; physical force Chartists, 301, 327 ; Chartist agitation, 327, 357, 358, 359 et seg.; charter motions in Parliament, 371, 374 ; refoim, 364 (note) Oldham, 357 "Open questions" in a weak Govern- ment, 300 Orange societies, proceedings of and dis- cussions on in 1835, 271 Orders in council, 93, 94, 107 Organization, first attempt at, in the party, 27 Orsini, 427 Osborne, Bernal, 377, 398 Oxford University, 215, 463 Owen, Robert, 141 Pacifico, Don, claims, 379 Pains and penalties, bill of, against Queen Caroline, 146 Paisley, 135 Palmerston, Lord, enters Parliament, 97; under secretary at war, 97 ; his poli- tics, 97 ; Catholic emancipation, 185 ; retains office on death of Canning, 205 ; Test and Corporation Acts, 206 ; retires from office, 211 ; in office under Lord Grey, 226 ; rejected by Hampshire, 268 ; Conservatism and Radicalism, 315 ; corn laws, 324 ; Lord Grey, 346 ; Grecian policy (Don Pacifico and Finlay claims), 379 ; his dismissal, French coup dttat, 388 et seq. ; approached by Derby to join his Ministry, 391 ; militia proposals, 390 ; Whig or Tory in 1852, 594 ; intervenes to save Tory Government, 396 ; attack on Cobden, 404 ; resigns and resumes office, 404 ; attack on Bright, 407 ; becomes premier his Ministry, 410 ; stagnation in domestic policy, 410; his agreement with Derby, 411 ; committee of inquiry on Crimean war, 411, 413 ; break-up and re-formation of Ministry, 413 ; votes against Church rates aboli- tion, 416 ; action of committee of inquiry on Crimean war disasters, 418 ; votes for Church Rates Aboli- tion Bill, 421 ; attack by Disraeli on Government, 422 ; votes against county franchise resolution, 423 ; triumph on Chinese (" Arrow ") question at general election, 1857, 425 ; promises in 1857 reform next session, 425 ; reform mentioned in Queen's speech, 426 ; Orsini's attempt on the life of the Emperor, and proposals to amend the English laws and consequent defeat of Government, 427 et seq.] compromises differences with Russell, 438 ; becomes premier, his ministry, 441 ; votes for Church Rates Abolition Bill, 443 ; reso- lutions as to Lord's throwing out money bills, 446 ; how regarded by the Tories, 446 ; votes for County Franchise Bill, 449 ; states that no Government reform Bill will be introduced, 450 ; himself and Government denounced by Cobden, 452 ; conduct as to American civil war, 454 ; feebleness of foreign policy, 455 ;