Page:Honore Willsie--Benefits Forgot.djvu/30

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donation party night and she had been cooking all day in preparation.

"Surely, surely," said Jason's father, picking up the pile of magazines. "Jason can't get at them before the end of the week. Take them and welcome." Mr. Inchpin rode away. Jason came in with the milk pail and the family sat down to a hasty supper.

"Won't I have a minute of time to look at my magazines, mother?" asked Jason. "O, I hate donation parties!"

"Jason!" thundered his father. "Would you show ingratitude to God? And the books are not here anyway. I loaned them to Mr. Inchpin."

"O Ethan!"

Brother Wilkins' eyes were steel gray, in stead of blue. "Jason can read his Bible until the end of the week. His ingratitude deserves punishment."
