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Works by W. H. Fitchett, BA, LL.D. Crown 8vo. 6s. each. A Pawn in the Game. DAILY TELEGRAPH.— ■" A book to be cordially recommended, both to those who enjoy a good story and to those who enjoy adventure." The Commander of the " Hirondelle." With 16 Full-page Illustrations. ATHENAEUM.—" An admirable sea story. . . . It is good litera- ture, too, and written with historical and technical knowledge." Nelson and his Captains : sketches of Famous Seamen. With u Portraits and a Facsimile Letter. Third Impression. PUNCH.—" My Baronite having read all Dr. Fitchett's tales of battles on land, thinks his best piece is his sea piece. . . . Saxon and Celt reading the glowing narrative will feel proud to know it's all true." The Tale of the Great Mutiny. Eighth and considerably Enlarged Impression. With 8 Portraits and 4 Plans. GUARDIAN. — " It is almost impossible to lay the book down. The story of those summer months of 1857 must ever appeal to English readers." Fights for the Flag. Sixth Edition. With 16 Portraits and 13 Plans. SPECTA TOR.— "One of the best collection of popular battle studies ever given to the public." Deeds that Won the Empire. Twenty-fifth Edition. With 16 Portraits and 11 Plans. SPECTATOR.— "The book cannot but take the reader by storm wherever it finds him." Wellington's Men: Some Soldier-Autobiographies. SPECTATOR. -" Mr. Fitchett has ere this sounded the clarion and filled the fife to good purpose, but he has never done better work than In rescuing from oblivion the narratives which appear in this volume." How England Saved Europe : the story of the Oreat War (1793-1815). In 4 vols, with Portraits, Facsimiles, and Plans. Fourth Impression. Crown 8vo. y. 6d. each. GUARDIAN- — "Mr. Fitchett has achieved a real success, mere enthralling than half the novels published." Wesley and his Century: a study in Spiritual Forces. With a Photogravure Frontispiece from the Portrait of John Wesley by George Romney and Four Facsimiles of Letters, &c. Third Impression. 6s. net. BOOKMAN.— " A deeply interesting volume. . . . The story Is good as biography and rich in material." London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, S.W.