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Chapter Page
XII. Great Men's Bodies—Continued

Cæsar (100–45 b.c.) 265
Mohammed (570–632 a.d.) 269
Charlemagne (748–814 a.d.) 271
Alfred (849–901 a.d.) 275
William the Conqueror (1027–1087 a.d.) 277
Wallace (1270–1305 a.d.) 279
Robert the Bruce (1274–1329 a.d.) 281
Columbus (1446–1506 a.d.) 282
Luther (1483–1546 a.d.) 283
Shakespeare (1564–1616) 286
Cromwell (1599–1658) 287
Milton (1608–1674) 290
Peter the Great (1672–1725) 291
John Wesley (1703–1791) 293
Franklin (1706–1790) 295
Samuel Johnson (1709–1784) 297
Patrick Henry (1736–1799) 298
Jefferson (1743–1826) 300
Andrew Jackson (1767–1845) 301
Charles James Fox (1749–1806) 303
Chief Justice Marshall (1755–1835) 305
Hamilton (1757–1804) 307
Robert Burns (1759–1796) 310
Napoleon (1769–1821) 312
Wellington (1769–1852) 314
Scott (1771–1832) 320
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749–1832) 323
Lord Erskine (1750–1823) 325
Lord Eldon (1751–1838) 328
