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Chapter X

Special Exercise for Any Given Muscles

"He who breathes best, lives best. Deep breathers, other things being equal, live longer than short breathers."-Roberts.

"The arms and shoulders are the medium through which the chest receives almost all its exercise." "In providing for the freedom in functional activity of the vital organs by the expansion of the chamber in which they lie; we directly aid in their development, directly increase their power."—Maclaren.

While symmetrical and thorough physical development are not at all common among Americans; and undeveloped, inerect, and weak bodies almost outnumber any other kind; the general want of familiarity with what will develop any given muscles; and bring them up to the fulness and strength which ought to be theirs, is even more surprising. If proof is wanted of this; let the reader ask himself what special work he would choose to develop any given part; the muscles of the forearm, for instance; or those of the front of the chest. If he has ever paid any attention to his physical development—and thousands and tens of thousands have not—he may know one or two things which will bring about the desired result; but, even if he has attended the gymnasium a good deal, he will often be surprised to find that his time there was mainly spent in accomplishing some particular feat or amount of work; rather than in bringing about the special development of any given part; or general development of the whole body.