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Abdominal muscles, work for, 183 184.

Activity develops parts used, 153.

Actress, reduction of weight of, 150.

Air, "tidal," in lungs, 69.

Airs, national, singing of, 93; of Scotland, 96.

Alexander the Great, 255; body of 256.

Alfred the Great, 275; body of 276.

Alpine climbing for the calves, 170.

Altitude of organs gauges vigor when, 101.

American, women, exercise of, as runners, 10; as walkers, 10; playgrounds, 16; Henley, 120–124; physique, average, improvement in, 125.

American-English friendly feeling increased by annual contests, 124.

Amherst College, Beecher on physical culture at, 83.

Amount of exercise for women, 44.

Anderson, Dr. W. G., 98; work of, 111; treatment of consumptives, 142.

Anderson's, Madam, walking, 47.

Angina pectoris, 63.

Apoplexy, 63.

Appetite improved by golf, 72.

Aristotle, 254; body of, 255; teacher of Alexander, 255.

Arms, of girls, 25, 35; of women, not developed, 37; 15-inch ones scarce, 113; slim, exercise for, 197.

Assimilation improved by physical exercise, 65.

Assistants of physical directors, 117, 118.

Athletes, development of, 18; do they die young? 47, 482; working in ruts, 113.


Backs, of girls, 35; upper, development of, 190.

Bag-punching, 232.

Ball-playing, 12, 13, 71.

Bank-president as to benefit of sleep, 53.

Banks, Nathaniel P., education of, 483; swimming of, 483.

Bath, daily, 68.

Beard, Dr., on anæmia, 202, 203.

Beauty, foundation of, 33; enhanced by deep breathing, 202.

Beauties of mythology, 32.

Beecher, Henry Ward, on getting rich, 70; on Dr. Hitchcock's work at Amherst College, 83; neck of 203; sketch of, 406; body of, 409, 470; physique of ancestors, 409, 410; on eloquence, 468; on getting rich, 473; popularity of 473; power of, 473; as sexton, 474; training of, as a speaker, 474, 475.