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Overwork, of brain, 53, 56, 72; folly of, 56; danger of, 105, 115, 116; of muscles saps vitality, 201.


Palatial gymnasiums, 112; equipment of, 112.

Palmerston, Lord, 163; body of, 437.

Paralysis, 63; freedom from, by exercise, 63; from knees crossed, 103.

Parents, physical training of children by, 76.

Paresis, 63.

Parsons, Chief Justice, habit of, 208.

Passaic rowing course, 123.

Paul, 245; physique of, 247.

Peel, Sir Robert, body of, 436.

Pennsylvania, University of, rowing at, 121, 122; provost of, 121.

Peripatetic teaching, 254.

Perspiration as a preventive of disease, 65.

Perspiring, Harvard oarsmen as to, 55.

Peter, 291; body of, 292.

Philadelphia, rowing near, 122.

Phillips, Physical Director, on tug of war, 188.

Phillips, Wendell, body of, 438; eloquence of, 472.

Physical culture, school the place for, 76, 79.

Physical education, daily, 29; at Smith College, at Bryn Mawr, at Vassar, at Wellesley, 34; for girls, Herbert Spencer on, 35; at Amherst, 83; at Training-school for Christian Workers, 83; should be compulsory in all schools, 104; for all, 110.

Physical exercise, for girls, 25, 29, 36; daily, increases their usefulness, 36; does it dull one mentally? 129; rests the brain, 130.

Physicians, exposure of, 59, 108; get little exercise, 59; health of, 59; need of education of, as physical directors, 109.
Physique, 49; of Agassiz, Alexander, 440; of Agassiz, Louis, 437; of Alexander the Great, 265; of Alfred, 276; of Aristotle, 254; of Beecher, 409; of Bismarck, 361; of Blackie, 405; of Brown, Tom, 392; of Bruce, 281; of Burns, 310; of Byron, 435; of Cæsar, 266; of Carter, S. C., 399; of Chalmers, 333; of Charlemagne, 274; of Choate, J. H., 411; of Choate, Rufus, 349; of Cicero, 264; of Clay, 342; of Columbus, 283; of Cromwell, 288; of Dana, C. A., 423; of Dante, 435; of David, 245; of Demosthenes, 259; of Denman, Lord, 390; of Dewey, 442; of Dickens, 380; of Dilke, 440; of Eldon, 329; of Eliot, 440; of Erskine, 328; of Fox; 304; of Franklin, 296; of Gibson, 336; of Gladstone, 355; of Godkin, 431; of Goethe, 324; of Grant, 385; of Gray, 438; of Greeley, 419; of Hale, Nathan, 1, 447; of Hall, John, 425; of Hamilton, 309; of Hannibal, 261; of Harlan, 438; of Henry, 299; of Huntington, 388; of Jackson, Andrew, 301; of Jefferson, 300; of Johnson, 297; of Krueger, 415; of Lincoln, 350; of Luther, 285; of Mansfield, 332; of Marshall, 306; of McBurney, 441; of McCormick, 360; of Miller, 371; of Milton, 290; of Mohammed, 275; of Moltke, 369; of Moody, 428; of Moses, 240; of Napoleon, 313; of O'Conor, 373; of Palmerston, 437; of Paul, 247; of Peel, 436; of Peter the Great, 292; of Plato, 252; of Scott, 321; of Selwyn, 435; of Shakespeare, 287; of Shaw, 335; of Smith, Justice, 389; of Socrates, 250; of Spurgeon, 403; of Sumner, 437; of Tennyson, 378; of Van Brunt, 432; of Vanderbilt, 339; of Wal-