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The Ghost of Captain Brand

he cried out, panting in the extremity of his passion, “and then he threatened to strike me with his cane. But I know who he is and what he is. I know what he’s got in his cabin in those two trunks, and where he found it, and whom it belongs to. He found it on the shores of the Rio Cobra River, and I have only to open my mouth and tell what I know about it.”

At this Captain Manly clapped his hand upon our hero’s shoulder and fell to shaking him so that he could scarcely stand, calling out to him the while to be silent. “What do you mean?” he cried. “An officer of this ship to quarrel with a passenger of mine! Go straight to your cabin, and stay there till I give you leave to come out again.”

At this Master Barnaby came somewhat back to himself and into his wits again with a jump. “But he threatened to strike me with his cane, Captain,” he cried out, “and that I won’t stand from any man!”

“No matter what he did,” said Captain Manly, very sternly. “Go to your cabin, as I bid you, and stay there till I tell you to come out again, and when we get to New York I’ll take pains to tell your stepfather of how you have behaved. I’ll have no such rioting as this aboard my ship.”

Barnaby True looked around him, but the young lady was gone. Nor, in the blindness of his frenzy, had he seen when she had gone nor whither she went. As for Sir John Malyoe, he stood in the light of a lantern, his face gone as white as ashes, and I do believe if a look could kill, the dreadful malevolent stare he fixed upon Barnaby True would have slain him where he stood.

After Captain Manly had so shaken some wits into poor Barnaby he, unhappy wretch, went to his cabin, as he was bidden to do, and there, shutting the door upon himself, and flinging himself down, all dressed as he was, upon his berth, yielded himself over to the profoundest passion of humiliation and despair.

There he lay for I know not how long, staring into the darkness,
