Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1049

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BUTTER CALLED 1011 furnishes him with b 126 24 ihn mil B. veraorgt 126 24 in a lordly dish 212 17 no bread and b. of mine 301 1 should swim in b 274 1 smell of bread and b 109 19 that makes temptation 784 21 words were smoother than b.. .905 24 wouldn't melt in her mouth... 36 3 Butt*rcup-a milkweed and a b... 280 16 wakes to the morn 5511 Buttercups-gladden'd my sight. .278 IS where b. and daisies spun 279 1 yellow japannod b. and 279 12 Buttered-on the b. tide 308 2 ButterUiee-do not attack b 760 19 dream of life to come 88 15 gold-barr'd b. to and fro 88 14 men, like b. show not 492 11 resembling azure b! 353 2 Buttorfly-a mere court b 144 18 behold the b 254 20 breaks a b. upon a wheel 690 12 comes as a b. tipped with 481 17 spread for the b. s bed 123 18 the b. can see it 155 13 sec also Butterfly p. 88 Butternut-new leaved b 812 IS Buttock-brood b. tender hide... .378 24 Button-did not care a b. for it.. .640 19 Buttoned-all b. down before 32 > close-b. to the chin 98 21 it with stars 238 18 Button-makcr-father was b 737 S Buttons-a soul above b 737 3 before their b. be disclosed 924 3 they're taken of his b. off 727 7 when we've matched our b 796 3 Buxom-skim the b, air '... 1117 Buy-a cut in the bag 498 10 b]«*sing money cannot b 357 4 dollars won't b. her 378 16 doth it too dearly b 371 23 hope with money 377 28 hyacinths to feed thy soul 383 3 not what you want 216 1 228 12 pray b. them 228 1 sell half and b. flowers 644 2 spoils of office cannot b 489 18 that men should b 444 22 that other men may b 652 16 that those shoes would b 54 2 what would you b 201 21 while thy purse yet swells 409 22 Buyer-judgment of the b 87 X Buying-no fish ye're b 273 IB not-b. is a revenue 864 18 Buys-fairyland b. not the child. .254 9 gold b. admittance 84 8 gold that b. health 357 9 love b, not with ruthless 465 14 out the law 433 10 Buzzard-prove a bt no fowl 41 18 Buzzards-are gentlemen 23 18 Buzzed into his ears 830 16 Buzzing-at your lady's face 902 13 listen when they're b 552 12 was only sound of life 64 12 By-cast the b. away 638 13 By-And-By-city of B 606 6 has no end 792 4 will the deed and the plan 411 8 Bypaths-of literature 66 14 Byword-omong all people 638 16 Byzantjne-Logothete 543 S Byzantium-'s conquering foe.... 13 10 Cob-speech I thought of in o 744 18 Cnbalist-a mystic, and a c 321 31 Cabalistic-thy language o 631 16 Caballus-optat arare c 94 17 Cabbagcs-from Long Island 761 6 of c. and kinRS 777 19 Cabin-heard the c. snoring 649 21 Oabined-I am c. cribbed 200 20 Oabinet-from his moist o 428 2 saw'st in nature's c 250 6 Cable-comes by the c 653 10 cord nor c. can forcibly 465 23 never c. holds ao fast 470 1C to man's tender tie 73 8 Cables-cords to c. strong 347 1C Cabots-speak only to Lowells. . .SOI 26 walk with God 801 26 Cabs-in c., those gondolas 462 8 Cacheee-belies actions c 186 U Cacher-de c. le sien 359 C lesdefauts 514 19 Cackling-save the monarchies.. .329 9 when every goose is c 658 19 Cocoothes-scribendi c 49 18 Cadence-golden c. of poesy 004 11 harsh c. of a'ruggea line 883 20 in c. sweet 67 9 notes in c. beating 157 6 with its passionate c 840 12 Cadendo-non vi sed sirpe o 594 12 Oadenduni-fortique c. eat 171 14 Oadere-si c. necesse est 160 8 Codit-statim simultas 653 IS Oadiz-'twixt Rome and 0 579 11 songs of the Kile and C 287 1 Cadmean-a C. victory 832 14 Cadmus-the letters C. gave 181 19 Cado-lo suyo a c. uno 364 10 Oadruns-de ce monde 767 26 Oaducis-percussu crebro 8G3 1 Gffica-nocentum consilia 868 13 oh, pectora c 514 22 quid mente c. torques 517 17 CcRcorum-in patria luscus 247 20 Cfficos-scitum est inter c 247 20 Ca?di-manet sors tertia, c 437 4 Cajdis-si stimulos pugnis c 762 19 Offiretan-wine on table 206 7 Crosar-againBt young O. strove... 481 1 ambition in a C.'s mind 21 2 appeal unto 0 47 1 Ave C. morituri 178 19 carry O. and C.'s fortune 289 13 give to your boy. your C 468 6 great C. fell 394 2 imperiousO. dead and turned. 191 10 in envy of great C 560 8 if thou read this C 264 22 kiss dead C.'s wounds 336 8 loved treason 811 22 Mark Antony's was by 0 309 20 myself to say, Hail C 64227 no C. he whom we lament 459 10 poor have cried, C. hath wept. 782 23 shall I say to C 437 19 show you sweet C.'s wounds... 920 20 soldier fit to stand by 0 729 1 some buried O. bled 280 18 spirit ranging for 856 18 Tarquin and C. had each 811 14 that C. might be great 689 16 thonfallO 812 9 unto C. things which are C.'s. .432 10 was ambitious 21 16 when he was called upon 771 16 when noble C. saw him stab.. .394 2 where's O. gone now 257 17 wife of C. ought not only to.. .771 16 word of C. might have stood.. .906 11 Ctesarem-vehis Cfflsarisque 289 13 C«Rsarism-is democracy without.. 188 7 Ca«arisque-fortunam 289 13 Cirsara-whereC. heroes.. .lie. .a38 8 Otetera-fortunje, non mea 299 9 Gafe-as I sat at the O. I said. ...522 3 comme la mode du 0 461 23 Racine-passera comme c 461 23 Cage-I am a darkened o 3 11 nor iron bars a c 371 14, 634 11 passes in a narrow c 89 14 Caged-twenty c. nightingales 540 4 Cages-as one sees in c 498 11 making nets, not making c 500 9 qui se veoid aux c 498 11 Cain-like that of C 437 12 since the birth of 0 361 19 the first city C 307 10 with O. go wander 131 17 Cake-a c. out of the wheat 139 10 eat thy c. and have it 615 17 for Custard, O. and Omelette.. 365 7 in all the wedding c. hope 376 7 my c. is dough 214 26 Cukes-land o' cakes 407 7 Calabri-rapuere 236 7 Calabria-carried me off 235 7 Calaia-ket her 0 402 2 straight to Dover 637 1 Calamitas-solauum est nosse 264 11 virtutis occasio 619 9 Calomitatem-ad c. quilibet rumor68815 Calamities-full of our c 12 1C Calamitosus-est animus 305 23 Calamitous-sickly c. creatures of clay 487 IT Calamity-adds to c 360 18 boldlv bears c 763 12 is in his c. the scorn 519 s is virtue's opportunity 519 9 it is a conorion c. 396 19 man's true touch-stone 518 17 sticking together in c 349 10 that boldly bears c 146 16 wedded to c 12 13 what greater c. con fall 918 11 Calamue-sit c. savior 592 10 Cnlcamus-vitia ipea c 831 12 Calcar-imrrmsuir. gloria c 314 5 Calces-adversum stimulum c 086 17 Cnlceum-si c. induisse turn 705 7 Calceus-ut c. olim 290 8 Onlculated-niecly c. less or more.313 11 Calculation-shining out of 247 12 Calculo-candidissiiro c ir>2 20 Caldera-Barten a la c 150 3 Caldero-^soga tras el c 645 8 Caledonia-stern and wild 092 23 support C.'s cause ()92 18 Caledonian-erect the O. stood... 874 18 Calendar-high tides in this c 1(8 8 mitred father in the c 829 2 Colendario-beneficia in c. 186 18 Calendars-sensation, not by c.. .794 8 etill outrun all c 828 21 Calescimus-agitnte c. illo 318 21 Calf-an Alderman 41 18 and hang a c.'s skill 146 8 footsteps of that c 81 20 goose, bee and c 592 15 Ted by one c 81 21 like the tail of a c 344 19 not made of common c 705 9 Ctiliban-Ewret eyes at C 139 18 Caliccm-ct labrum 289 23 Cnlices^-fcccundi c. quen 875 21 Caliginis-quantum c. mentions.. .638 1 Caliginosa-nocte premit deus... .305 2 Call-a cat a cat 541 12 a fig a fig 542 8 a spade a spade 541 13 bells c. others 67 13 come not at nn earthly c 840 2 come when you c. for them 34 13 did you c. my love 575 12 drunk, obey the important c.. .398 24 good enough to c 317 2 hear the powerful c 713 11 heard them c. my soul 494 13 hearts here wait our c 218 21 I e. the Living 67 17 I'd better c. agin 418 S lark's is a clarion c 69 17 leave to c. me anything 543 20 love-fraught, imperious c 218 22 me Sappho, c. me Chloris 641 18 nor obeys thy c 775 8 one clear c. for me 179 7 God 24118,316 4 pleased to c. your mind 610 15 prompt at every o 630 12 rooks with clamorous c 677 8 some c. it consecrrtion 316 4 some c. it evolution 241 18 stays till wee 659 1 the fates o 265 12 theirs the joyous c 627 5 the keen c. of thy flute 389 20 they c. him for short 97 11 'tis I that c 650 8 to him, cry to him 8S9 18 voted at my party's e 611 21 when ill we c. them 502 7 Calle-e com'6 duro c 244 21 Called-another Abra came 132 20 forth from out a world 808 12 for shortness c. Noll 231 1 he'sc., he's killed 727 14 let a coach be c 462 2 Mahomet c. hill to Urn 254 11 many ore c 113 18 says he c. another 863 4