Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1055

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors] Chaplet-more the c. of fame 130 2 Chapleta-fragrant c. blow 184 6 Chapman-speak out loud 607 6 Chapmen-sale of C.'s tongues 62 7 Chapter-longest c. in the book. ..48 of accidents 3 1ft Character-a jester, a bad c 405 6 American c. be efficient 23 7 and motives repose 230 10 better than the actual c 102 83 consistent to human 50 4 divested of the human c 716 11 express each man's c 41 3 formation of c 216 16 habits form c 346 2* iafate 190 24 knowledgeofc. possessed 612 7 leave my c. behind me 105 1 man that makes a c 106 IS noblest c. is stained 559 13 of Washington 862 7 parallel to his c 860 11 aape the foundation of c 712 12 sow a habit you reap a c 347 9 that bear rule so fine 25 4 thee, of an Honest Man 372 10 the counsels, and example 861 3 thought and c 545 9 to distinguish him 743 22 understand an author's c 49 21 vindicate my c 230 10 when a man puts on a c 383 12 when c. is lost 463 6 wholesome for the c 731 1 with unblemished c 443 B woman reads another's c 890 20 see also Character pp. 97-106 Charactcristic-of women 139 22 Characters-and conjurations 771 5 maxims reveal their c 639 1 of beauty and intelligence 774 14 of name 402 3 of Hell to trace 362 23 of several sizes 233 10 they mangle 914 16 women have no cat all 893 1 write thee, in dust 687 4,894 8 see also Character pp. 97-106 Charcoal-white chalk or c 162 8 Charcoals-carry c. to Newcastle. .424 13 Charge-a c. to keep I have 739 20 Cheater c. 1 833 8 conscious of his awful c 630 3 conscious of their c 873 1 dreamed how high his c 458 23 for the guns 858 6 in peace a c 726 11 to simplicity resigns here 880 6 true is the c 692 20 what a holy c. is theirs 531 17 with all thy chivalry 844 8 Chargers-sacred wine the c 325 4 Charges-for a looking-glass 261 23 round their c. glide 745 16 sometimes die to save c 517 11 Charging-them years 795 2 they are c. and cheering 851 7 Chariot-axle-tree of c. wheel 282 14 arts move the light c 44 13 clouds his c 123 7 fiery c. borneon 7 1 frugal is the c 77 11 high in his c. glow'd 765 19 not horses draw the c 611 3 in thee, of its leaves 281 16 of the sun given you 766 14 take off our c. wheels 437 12 through fields of air 548 19 winged c. hurrying near 796 6 Chariota-easier than air 897 22 our c. and our horsemen 462 4 wheels of brazen c. ray'd 852 11 Charitably-wittily than c. said.. . 363 2 3 Charite-bien ordonne 107 14 Charities-that soothe 208 15 Chariton-mia tota merum 891 11 Charity-begins at home.. 106 22, 107 20 buildethup 420 3 Christ's sweet sake and c 65 7 give lecture or a little c 313 10 er cloak of c 824 9 likeinfantc 872 16 love, friendship, c 799 20 offence to peace and c 660 16 I open as day for melting c 596 3 organized c. scrimped and iced. 595 26 pity gave ere c. began 595 6 rarity of Christian c 595 14 Self-sacrifice and C 846 11 sense, likec. begins at home 698 10 sweet saint c 209 19 ther bygynneth c 595 19 to all mankind 106 17 to undo a Jew is c 406 24 withe, for all 675 5 zeal then, note 92513 see also Charity pp. 106, 107 Charlatan-defamed by every c 310 26 he was no such c 866 19 Charles I-his Cromwell 811 14 Charles I I-navy of C 550 15 "SidneyGodolphin"saidC... .699 8 Charles V-empire of C 616 16 Charles Itiver-swimming across. .657 3 Charlotte-Wcrther had love for. .482 21 Charm-ac. for every woe 375 12 a c. that has bound me 277 14 ache with air 343 16 as from God lulled 619 16 blest with that e 371 6 by sages often told 136 4 cane, thewise 721 0 can soothe her melancholy. .. .890 1 dissolves apace 161 1 forbidden have secret c 601 22 for pain and woe 613 18 his pained steps 885 20 in melancholy 505 23 kind as well as c 59 7 like a Mercury to c.! 701 8 mock a broken c 788 1 moderation gives it c 451 4 musicklsoftc.of heav'n 540 10 music that would c. forever. . ..541 4 no c. can tame 691 12 nor witch hath power to c...... 427 22 o'er all the valleys 558 11 one native c 710 18 power to c. down insanity 396 9 sliall wee. the hours 501 21 subtle c. strangely given 26 2 that lulls to sleep 302 5 the interval 2 18 till life can c. no more 533 7 to stay morning-star 749 17 us orator, till the lion 573 23 why this c. is wasted 58 32 with all thee, of woman 896 14 with c. of earliest birds 529 10 with thee, of poetry 603 20 wondrous witcliing c 247 3 Charme-certain c. pourplaire. .. .325 16 Charmed-1 bearac. life 453 9 it with smiles and soap 107 26 whose c. cup whoever tasted. . . 323 8 with distant views 352 26 with foolish whistling 513 25 Charmcr-of an idle hour 803 19 sinner it or saint it 284 14 tobacco c. of my mind SOS 7 were t'other dear c. away 889 14 Charmers-hearken to voice of c... 393 6 Charming-everc. ever new 545 7 gives a c. air 325 16 he saw here 521 14 is divine philosophy 596 19 never so wisely 393 6 Hoc. left his voice 840 15 they look so c 401 4 Charms-against whose c. faith... 62 9 and a man I sing 488 17 body c. because the soul 03 15 by accepting 893 5 can own a sister's c 893 5 felt our captive's c 833 2 Freedom lias a thousand c 294 23 half their c. we owe 893 2 heaven of e 59 13 he must behold no more 3 2 music hath c. to soothe 535 16 nonsense with c. of sound 560 14 other of your c 228 10 our native land e. us 586 14 saw not half thee 521 14 scepters have no c 861 5 seldom retains the same c 616 11 solitude where are the c 730 13 spreads her c. in vain 760 13 strike the sight 61 9 sweet seducing c 37 2 teaches c. to last 103 6 thy c. improved 117 14 thy sober c. possest 882 13 thy strong magnetic c 392 16 to rate here 888 13 unite their c. to cheer 353 5 what . . . c. or incantations... 900 14 wil 1 half your e-impair 70 12 Charnels-stone-oover'd c 671 2 Charon-old C. by Stygian coast.. 199 14 Charme-mcne" la c 24 8 mcttre la c. devant 574 11 Chartr-a colored c 915 8 laid down in any c Ill 3 one. of true patriotism 587 21 Charte-sera desormais 432 17 Charter-large a c. as wind 439 4 of the land 225 10 'tis a glorious c 223 12 will be a reality 432 17 Chartered-air, a c. libertine 610 12 the press, c. libertin 408 16 Chartier-rompit son fouet 291 16 Chartis-amieitur ineptis 49 9 Chartres-of C. much too rough.. .690 13 Charybdim-eupiens vitare O. 159 3 Charybdis-fallintoG 160 1 Chase-in fame's glorious c 259 21 innocent nose in piteous c 782 13 race in sliifting c 568 6 roused them to the e 592 5 who c. a panting syllable 400 7 youth beguiled the c 195 5 see also Chase pp 107, 108 Chasm-across the bloody c 588 21 horrid c. disclose 33 2 Chassez-le naturel 545 2 Chaste-and fair 526 7 and lucid style 758 14 and unexpressive she 894 13 as morning dew 181 8 as the icicle 108 21, 527 10 as unsunned snow 108 22 be thou as e. as ice 89 8 if she scorn not c. to me 108 18 nunnery of thy e. breast 472 19 they who called here 525 12 Chastened-down the whole 246 26 from evil to good 495 13 Chasteneth-Lord loveth he c 469 26 Chastons-whom he loves 12 14 Cliastisoment-not without c 651 12 that must be our c. or 762 23 Chastises-whom most he likes 651 7 Chastity-of my wife clear 771 16 see also Chastity p. 108 Chastizes-manners with laugh. . .429 22 Chat-choose to c. where'er 137 3 esveiller le c. qui dort 717 10 lapntteduc 643 2 Chatham-language was his 624 7 Chatimcnt-c'est son c 149 23 Chattcl-to be a mere c 716 11 Chattels-my goods, my c 870 19 Chatter-hare-brained c 741 25 I c. c. as 1 flow 85 3 Chattcrton-nmrvellousBoy 609 12 Chaucer-Dan C. well of English.. 426 22 lodge thee by C 701 10 more nigh to learned C 700 16 since C.'s days 90S 3 Chauffeur-arrest the e 87 22 Chauntress-thc woods among. .. .558 7 Chaunts-with a cheer, Heer peer. 427 9 Cliausse-un homme mal c 70S 20 Chaussetier-s'il estc 70S 20 Chauvinists-by French c 846 18 Cheap-all things were c 646 11 as c. sitting as standing 6-12 30 defence of nations 5S4 26 flesh and blood so c 380 10 hold your dainties c 867 22 ill ware is never c 86 4 real happiness is c. enough 350 12 words, they be good c 907 17 Cheapened-shec. Paradise! 892 13 Cheaply-and put him c. off 468 6 now c. bought 7S 2 what we obtain too c 853 5 Cheat-being cheated as to c 600 9 consider life, 'tis all a c 444 9 do not c. thy heart 735 1