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Conjectures concerning
Book I.
not improbable that the reſt of the Planets have their Dreſs and Furniture, and perhaps their Inhabitants too as well as this Earth of ours: Eſpecially if he conſiders the later Diſcoveries made in the Heavens ſince Copernicus’s time, viz. the Attendants of Jupiter and Saturn, and the champaign and hilly Countries in the Moon, which are a ſtrong Argument of a Relation and Kin between our Earth and them, as well as a Proof of the Truth of that Syſtem. This has often been our Talk, I remember, good Brother, over a large Teleſcope, when we have been viewing thoſe Bodies, a Study that your continual Buſineſs and Abſence have interrupted for many Years. But we were always apt to conclude, that ’twas in vain to enquire after what Nature is doing there, ſeeing there was no likelihood of ever coming to any Certainty of the Enquiry. Nor could I ever find that any Philoſophers, either antient or modern, have attempted any thing upon this Subject. At the very Birth of