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the Planetary Worlds.

Book I.
and will within a few Ages more be 45 Degrees diſtant from it: and after 25000 Years more will return to the ſame Place it is now in. Now if with them we allow the Heavens to be turned upon their own Axis, at this rate they muſt have a new Axis every Day: a Thing moſt abſurd, and repugnant to the Nature of all Motion. Whereas nothing is eaſier with Copernicus than to give us Satisfaction in this Matter. Then he may impartially weight thoſe Anſwers that Galilæus, Gaſſendus, Kepler, and others have given to all Objections propoſed, which have ſo ſatisfied all Scruples, that generally all Aſtronomers now-a-days are brought over to our Side, and allow the Earth in its Motion and Place among the Planets. If he cannot be ſatisfied with all this, he is either one whoſe Dulneſs can’t comprehend it, or who has his Belief at another Man’s Diſpoſal.

In the other Figure you have the Globes of the Planets, and of the Sun, repreſented to your Eyes as placed near one another. Where
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