Page:I. Beówulf- an Anglo-Saxon poem. II. The fight at Finnsburh- a fragment (IA cu31924031292604).pdf/113

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3170 eldum swâ unnyt,swâ hit æror wäs.
Þâ ymbe hlæw riodanhilde-deóre,
äðelinga bearnealra twelfa,
woldon ceare cwîðan,kyning mænan,
word-gyd wrecanand ymb wer sprecan,
3175 eahtodan eorl-scipeand his ellen-weorc
duguðum dêmdon,swâ hit ge-dêfe bið,
þät mon his wine-dryhtenwordum hêrge,
ferhðum freóge,þonne he forð scile
of lîc-hamanlæne weorðan.
3180 Swâ begnornodonGeáta leóde
hlâfordes hryre,heorð-geneátas,
cwædon þät he wæreworuld-cyning
mannum mildustand mon-þwærust,
leódum lîðostand lof-geornost.