Page:I. Beówulf- an Anglo-Saxon poem. II. The fight at Finnsburh- a fragment (IA cu31924031292604).pdf/115

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25 “wrecca wîde cûð.Fela ic weána gebâd,
“heardra hilda;þe is gyt her witod,
“swäðer þu sylf tô mesêcean wylle.”
Þâ wäs on weallewäl-slihta gehlyn,
sceolde cêlod bordcênum on handa
30 bân-helm berstan.Buruh-þelu dynede,
ôð þät ät þære gûðeGârulf gecrang,
ealra æresteorð-bûendra,
Gûðlâfes sunu;ymbe hine gôdra fela
hwearf flacra hræw.Hräfn wandrode
35 sweart and sealo-brûn;swurd-leóma stôd
swylce eal Finns-buruhfŷrenu wære.
Ne gefrägn ic næfre wurðlîcorät wera hilde
sixtig sige-beornasêl gebæran,
ne næfre swânas swêtnemedo sêl forgyldan,
40 þonne Hnäfe guldonhis häg-stealdas.
Hig fuhton fîf dagas,swâ hyra nân ne feól
driht-gesîða,ac hig þâ duru heóldon.
Þâ gewât him wund häleðon wäg gangan,
sæde þät his byrneâbrocen wære,
45 here-sceorpum hrôr,and eác wäs his helm þyrl.
Þâ hine sôna frägnfolces hyrde,
hû þâ wîgendhyra wunda genæson
oððe hwäðer þæra hyssa . . . . . . .