Page:I. Beówulf- an Anglo-Saxon poem. II. The fight at Finnsburh- a fragment (IA cu31924031292604).pdf/8

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Some errors and misplaced accents in Heyne’s text have been corrected in the present edition, in which, as in the general revision of the text, the editor has been most kindly aided by Prof. J. M. Garnett, late Principal of St. John’s College, Maryland.

In the preparation of the present school edition it has been thought best to omit Heyne’s notes, as they concern themselves principally with conjectural emendations, substitutions of one reading for another, and discussions of the condition of the Ms. Until Wülcker’s text and the photographic fac-simile of the original Ms. are in the hands of all scholars, it will be better not to introduce such matters in the school room, where they would puzzle without instructing.

For convenience of reference, the editor has added a head-line to each “fit” of the poom, with a view to facilitate a knowledge of its episodes.

Washington and Lee University,

Lexington, Va., June, 1882.