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(Yes, it still was the watchmen: not only Andryusha – we were sinning too: the doctor and I. We often used to avoid of watching these killings. But he, this degenerate, was always a soldier of revolution, and left the field only then, when the smoke has cleared and the dead were buried).

…Curtain parted and a pair comes in: a woman in mourning and a man in pince-nez.

They were absolutely frightened by this situation: aristocratic luxury, king’s portraits and disorder – empty bottles, gun and blue cigarette’ smoke.


- Your surname?

- Z!

- Your surname?

- Y!

The man pushed his thin and pale lips and started speaking with crying notes in his voice: he cried about indulgence. The woman was wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.


- Where are you were taken?

- There!

- Why are you were taken?

- For that!

Well, you had a meeting! What kind of meetings can be held at this alarming time, 1 a.m. in a private flat?

Ha, you theosophists! You are looking for truth!...New? Yes! Yes! Who is this?...Jesus? No? Another world’s savior?...Well! You can’t be satisfied by Confucius or Lao-Tse, or Buddha, or Mohammed, or even the Devil!.. Yes, I understand: you need to fill up empty space…


- So, you think it’s time for the Messiah’s return?

Man and woman:

- Yes!


- You suppose this is the psychological crisis we can observe in Europe, and in Asia, and in other parts of world?

Man and woman:

- Yes!


- So, why fucking hell, you, motherfuckers, don’t do this Messiah with “linchpin”?