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In lurid darkness spread the thing of error,
Swift ran the shudder and the fear beneath;
Till o'er the Queen's face passed the voiceless terror,
And Love grew pale to see the joy of Death.

Men stood benumbed to wait unknown disaster;
Full soon its sworded Messenger was seen;
"Behold!" he cried, "the weak shall have a master!
The Strong shall rule! There reigns another Queen!"
Then rushed the forces of the night-born Power,
And seized white Liberty, and cast her down;
Man's plundered birthright was the new Queen's dower.
The sorrow of the weak ones was her crown.

Her name was Law! She sent her proclamation
Through every land and set her crimson seal
On every strangled right and revocation
Of aim and instinct of the commonweal.
She saw the true Queen prisoned by her creatures;
Who dared to speak, was slain by her command.
Her face was lustreless. With smileless features
She took the throne—a weapon in her hand!