Page:Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan.djvu/11

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In preparing the present Work for publication in a cheap form, and which, although it has been favourably received by the British Public, has never before been printed in England, I have not omitted any of the Illustrations which appear in the American Edition, and have given some additional ones, which are now published for the first time.

The Illustrations are all re-engraved from the Original Drawings and Sketches, and the greatest attention has been paid to make them accurate. The reader will thus have the entire discoveries and antiquarian researches as at first presented, and the material wherewith to form a correct judgment of their character and importance.

I have found it necessary to curtail a portion of the narrative written by Mr. Stephens, with a view of condensing the whole into a single volume; but those parts only are omitted which