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Interpretation.—When this line is clear it shows a natural desire for the opposite sex; when double it denotes an intemperate and lustful life; when broken, it shows terrible loss and infamy through lusts, a filthy person.

No. 6.

Name.—Via Combusta.

Location.—Extends through hollow of hand to mount of middle finger.

Interpretation.—See Lines (8) page 36.

No. 7.

Name.—Via Solis.

Location.—A curved line running from root of ring finger to the mount of the Moon.

Interpretation.—When straight and uniformly composed and well coloured, it promises the favour of great men and great honours; if dissected or uneven judge the contrary, or the frowns or ill favour of great people, with impediments in life or envy.

No. 8.

Name.—Line of Fortune.

Location.—A line extending from the mount of Jupiter to the mount of Mercury.

Interpretation. When long and with incisures,