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No. 13.

Name.—Line of the Moon.

Location.—A line running from the line of Saturn and line of the Brain to the mount of the moon called sometimes the Via Lactea.

Interpretation.—This line being uniformly composed, proportionate and continued, denotes fortunate journeys both by land and sea; also a good brain, the favour of women (the mount of Venus being also unafflicted), a composed and graceful speech; if it be cut or distorted it argues infelicity and proneness to lies; if whole and ascending up to little finger it denotes great happiness.

No. 14.

Name.—Mount of the Moon.

Location.—The outside part of hand, opposite to root of thumb, between mount of Mercury and wrist.

Interpretation.—Imagination, refinement, poetry; if very large or full it denotes despair, caprice and almost lunacy; when flat and hollow, denotes dullness, want of speech, positiveness.

No. 15.

Name.—Plane and place of Mars. The mount of Mars.

Location.—The place of Mars is twice represented, one on the side of the palm by the mount of Mars,