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they will never succeed in pecuniary matters, unless the hand is otherwise very strong.

No. 50.

Name.—Lapis Lazuli.

Location.—Tip of middle finger.

Interpretation.—Same as above on mount of Saturn but in foreign countries or from abroad.


Name.—Lapis Lazuli.

Location.—On mount of Saturn or middle finger.

Interpretation.—Same as No. 50.

No. 52.

Name.—Shell form shown by pores of skin.

Location.—On first phalanx of little finger.

Interpretation.—This is perhaps the best means of success, as shown above, in writing and speaking, etc., if other testimonies concur, but I prefer the complete circle.

No. 53.

Name.—Corn or diamond loops.

Location.—On joints of fingers.

Interpretation.—Should the lines on the joints, between the phalanges of the fingers, take the form of a barleycorn or diamond, the person may expect many and unexpected advantages, but much depends on the sum of these lines when counted.