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gressions and changing of the laws relating to nature, of which we are a part.

The Hand to Examine.

The general rule in the East is that the right palm of the male and the left palm of the female ought to be examined. In either case take the hand in which the signs and lines are clearly shown. If they concur in both hands and appear clear and nicely marked they declare a constancy of fortune and health, etc. In the male generally the right hand is the fate hand or the positive hand, that is, events about to happen; while the left denotes the negative or those events which have come to pass or been accomplished by the person, or those just passing away. Judge the converse in the female hands.

Signification of Animals, Flowers and Promiscuous Marks found on the Hand.

These are principally formed by the smaller lines running with the pores of the skin. Great care must therefore be taken in determining these forms, because very much depends on their position. The numbers herein referred to have reference to Plate II of the hand which I have set apart for the express purpose of showing these marks and signs.

The first space of the hand near to the mounts is that part which has principally to show the animal passions—lusts and intrigues.