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An octagonal figure placed between the line of Life and the Liver line will cause the person to be burdened with the possession of landed estates (No. 4).

If conch, or marine shells, or any circular figure be found here (No. 5) they presage that the person will be a learned man, especially if they should be found on the first phalanx of the little finger (No. 6), on the mount of Mercury (No. 7), or on the mount of the Moon (No. 8).

Should the sign of a flag be found here, and particularly on the mount of Mercury (No. 8) or on the palm of the hand (No. 9), the person will be a philosopher and a great thinker.

A trident (No. 10), the three-pronged sceptre of Neptune or similar figure, the person rises to great fame, almost a prince or princess. If the trident be formed, but somewhat indistinct, he will not rise so high, but sure to have very important appointments and be attached to royalty. He will also be very kind, generous, and likely to acquire fame.

If in the male hand, or even on the female hand, there be anything like a spear or bow and arrow the person is sure to get a throne (No. 11); and if all three, bow, arrow and lance together be there, the person is sure to be a king or queen (No. 12).

Should the sign of a wheel and flag come together on the same hand the person will have riches and power, respect among his fellow-men, will be a