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Mercury, forming a triangular figure in the palm of the hand—the great sign of success and brilliancy.

(4) The line of Fortune or Title line, which begins under the root of the little finger and extends towards the forefinger.

(5) The Bracelet lines at the root of the hand, stretch across the wrist, and may be single, double or treble, etc.

(6) The Sun line, called for clearness Via Solis, is a right line which begins at the mount of Apollo and stretches into the hollow of the hand after curving towards the mount of the Moon.

(7) The line of the Moon, called the Via Lactea, runs upwards from the line of Saturn, through the mount of the Moon.

(8) The line of Fortune or Saturn begins at the wrist lines, extends through the hollow of the hand to the mount of the middle finger. If this line be cut or severed it is called the Via Combusta; when this line assumes a double line in the middle of the palm it is said that you do more good to others than yourself.

The Mounts.

These are the fleshy or prominent parts under the fingers, called:

(1) The mount of Venus, in the root of the thumb.

(2) The mount of Jupiter, in the root of the forefinger.

(3) The mount of Saturn, in the root of the middle finger.