Page:Indian Shipping, a history of the sea-borne trade and maritime activity of the Indians from the earliest times.djvu/56

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division[1] is into two classes: (a) Ordinary (Sāmānya): ships that are used in ordinary river traffic or waterways fall under this class; (b) Special (Viśesa), comprising only sea-going vessels. There are again enumerated ten different kinds of vessels under the Ordinary class which all differ in their lengths, breadths, and depths or heights. Below are given their names and the measurements of the three dimensions[2]:—

(a) Ordinary.

  Names. Length
in cubits.
in cubits.
in cubits.
(1) Kshudrā  16  4  4
(2) Madhyamā  24 12  8
(3) Bhīmā  40 20 20
(4) Chapalā  48 24 24
(5) Patalā  64 32 32
(6) Bhayā  72 36 36
(7) Dīrghā  88 44 44
(8) Patraputā  96 48 48
(9) Garbharā 112 56 56
(10) Mantharā 120 60 60
  1. सामान्यञ्च विशेषश्च नौकाया लक्षणद्वयम्।

  2. राजहस्तमितायामा तत्पादपरिणाहिनी।
    तावदेवोन्नता नौका क्षुद्रेति गदिता बुधैः॥
    अतः सार्द्धमितायामा तदर्द्धपरिणाहिनी।
    त्रिभागेणोत्थिता नौका मध्यमेति प्रचक्ष्यते॥
    क्षुद्राथ मध्यमा भीमा चपला पटला भया।
    दीर्घा पत्रपुटाचैव गर्भरा मन्थरा तथा॥
    नौकादशकमित्युक्तं राजहस्तैरनुक्रमम्।
    एकैकवृद्धैः सार्द्धैश्च विजानीयाद् द्वयं द्बयम्।
    उन्नतिश्च प्रवीणा च हस्तादर्द्धांशलक्षिता॥
    अत्र भीमा भया चैव गर्भरा चाशुभप्रदा।