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The Road to Freedom

But the conscious worker who knows what springs guide the minds and mouths of the maintained ones shout, "Hosanna! That is right! More power to you!"

"These are ideas subversive to our civilization, they strike at the very roots of things, they endanger the rights of private property upon which our Republic is based," hints the owner of industries, the exploiter and despoiler of labor.

"Against all laws, constitutions, precedents and authority, it's a conspiracy; yes, sedition, treason," says the man in legal vesture.

"Free lovers and enemies of institutions long established and respected," thunders the moralist who may be drawing his rents from gay houses.

"They would destroy our union and endanger the amicable relations now existing between employers and employees," croaks the "labor leader" of the craft union.

"For the interest of civilization, that society may be saved and in line with our duties, the place for folks holding such dangerous notions is in the jail," cry the police.