Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/176

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Layman, A. Robert Benton Seeley. Essays on the Church . . L 1834.

Layman, A. James NOT ton. Essays and reflections in Australia, Sydney. L. 1852.

Layman, A. Alexandei Watson Es- says, religious and moral . . Edinb. 1821.

Layman, A. Caleb Fleming An examination of Mr. Chubb's discourse on miracles . . . L. 1742

Layman, A Samuel K. Jennings, M D. An exposition of the late controversy in the Methodist Episcopal Church . . . Bait 1831.

Layman, A. William Rivington. The extent, evils, and needlessness of Sunday trading in London ... L. 1855.

Layman, A. Capt. Matthew Monta- gu, R N. A few words on Popery and Protestantism ... L. 1854

Layman, A. Theodore Irving, LL D. The Fountain of Living Waters. N.Y. 1860.

Layman, A. Frederick John Monson, 5th Lord Monson. Pour sermons . . . L. 1842.

Layman, A. Rev. Nathaniel Neal A free and serious remonstrance to Prot- estant Dissenting Ministers on occasion of the decay of religion ... L 1746.

Layman, A. Rev Andrew Macgeorqe. The Tree Church . . . Glasgow, 1873.'

Layman, A. David Rowland. An inquiry concerning the principles of the constitution of human nature. L 1856.

Layman, A. Arthur Ellis. Is the vicar of Brompton a Tractarian* . . . L. 1855.

Layman, A. George Foster Talbot, A.M. Jesus, his opinions and charac- ter. The New Testament studies of ... B. 1883.

Layman, A. William Itivington. The late payment of weekly wages consid- ered in connexion with Sunday trading in London . . L. 1854.

Layman, A Alexander Dunlop. The law of the Sabbath of perpetual obliga- tion . . . Edinb. 1847.

Layman, A. John Skinner, Bishop of Aberdeen A layman's account of his faith and practice. Edinb. 1801.

Layman, A. Thomas Hughes, A lay- man's faith. L 1868.

Layman, A. Lyman Abbott, DD. A L.'s story j or, the experiences of John Laicus and his wife in a country parish. N.T 1873.

Layman, A. Samuel Greg. Legacy in prose and verse. L. 1877.

Layman, A Thomas Gordon, A let-

ter of consolation and counsel to the good people of England ... L 1750,

Layman, A. Duncan Lines, of Edin- burgh. A letter ... to a Lay-deacon, of the lurk of Scotland n p. 1740

The address to the reader is signed " D I '*

Layman, A. Sir Geoige Colcbroole, Bent A letter to a nobleman, contain- ing considerations on the laws relative to Dissenters . L 1790

Lay mail, A Richaid Gouqli. A let- ter to [B. Porteus] the Bishop of Lon- don, n p. 1799

Layman, A. Thomas James Mathm*. A letter to the Lord Marquis ot Buck- ingham . . . chiefly on the subject of the numerous emigrant French priests and others of the Church of Home ... L. 1797

Layman, A Samuel Sounders. A letter to the Rev. Mr Tong, Mr. Robin- son, Mr. Smith, & Mr. Reynolds. Occa- sion'd by the late differences amongst the Dissenters ... L. 1719.

Lay-man, A. John Shute Ban ingtvn A letter to the Right Revd. the Lord Bishop of . L 1714.

Layman, A. Thomas Kynaston, A letter to Theophilus Lindsey . . L. 1785.

Layman, A. Rev. Walter Farquliar Hook. Letters to the authors of the "Plain tracts for critical times." L. 1839

Also ascribed to John Sibbald Edison.

Layman, A Thomas Cogan, M.D. Letters to William Wilberforce, Esq , M.P L. 1799.

Layman, A. John Lamcount Ander- don. Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells. L. 1851.

Layman, A. Prince Jffoaie, Esq. (*) Manual of the Latin words ... of the Church service. 1822.

Layman, A. Sir William Domville, Bart The Mosaic Sabbath . . . L. 1850.

Layman, A. T f M. Stevenson The natural or the supernatural. By . . . L. 1874.

Layman, A. Michael Dodson. Kew translation of Isaiah ... by ... L. 1790.

Layman, A. John Poynder. Obser- vations on the Sunday newspapers 1820

Layman, A. Richard Monckton Mif- nes, Lord Houghton. One tract more ... L. 1841.

Layman, A. Stephen Colwell Poli- tics for American Christians ... P. 1852.

Layman, A. Sir John Bai/ley, Bart Prophecies of Christ . L. 182*8.