Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/50

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Bro-wn, Vandyke. Frederic J Fronting, editor of the "Berkshire Bell and Counties' Review" (Reading)

Brown, Vandyke William Penn Brannan. Harp of a thousand strings. 18-.

Browne, Dunn Rev. Samuel FtsL. Letters from Europe, in the " Springfield Republican." IS-.

Browne, Junius Henri Albert Deane Richardson. Four years in Seces- sia* adventures within and beyond the Union lines N Y. 1803.

Browne, Matthew. William Briglity Bands. The chain of lilies; and other poems, L 1857.

Browning, Francis. Francis Brown- ing Onen. Poems . . Detroit, 1874.

Brownjohn, Bellamy. Robert Oarr Dunham. No thoroughfare. B. 1868

Brownjohn, John. Charles Reming- ton Talbot. Miltiades Peterkin Paul: Ms adventures. B. 1877.

Brownlow, Parson. William Gan- naicay Brownloiv.

Brownrig, Henry. Douglas Wil- liam Jetrold. Black eyed Susan, L. 1826 ; The rent-day, L. 1830.

Brulart de Sillery, Stephanie FSIicite. Mme. Stephanie Fe'licite Du- crest de Saint- Aubin. La botanique his- toriqjie et litteraire. Paris, 1811.

Bruminel, Beau. George Bryan JBrummel.

Brnmore. 2V Guyton de fifoneau. Traitd curieux des charmes de Tamour conjugal dans ce monde et dans Pautre. Ouvrage [of Swedenborg] traduit du Latin ... par ... Brussels, 1881.

Bruno, G. Alfred Jules Emile Foml- tie. Tour de la France par deux enf ants. Paris, 187-.

Bruuold, Friedrich. August Fried- rich Meyer. Die Askanierburg Werbel- lin. Zurich, 1880

Brunswick. Hiss Jeanette L. Gilder, as correspondent in New York, for many years, of the "Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.*'

Brutus. Fisher Ames, in contribu- tions to the newspapers of Boston (Mass ).

Brutus. Henry Mackenzie, Esq.

"In political literature he was the author of a Review of the Proceedings of the Parliaments' Tvhich met first in the year 1784, and of a series of letters under the signature of * Brutna.' "

Brutus. David Owen*

Brutus. Stephen Simpson, who, under this signature, contributed to the Phila- delphia "Aurora."

Brutus. jRobert James TurnbulL The crisis; or, essays on the usurpations of

the Federal Government. Charleston (S C ), 1827.

Brutus. Samuel Ftnhy Breese Morse. Foreign conspiracy against the liberties of the United States . . . N.Y. 1835.

Brutus. Eo'beit Coram. Political in- quiries . . . Wilmington (Del.), 1791.

Brutus One of the signaturer, adopted by Junius (qv ). He addressed a letter to Lord North under this name, dated Feb 21, 1771 See Atticus "

Brutus, Lucius Junius. Wdham Cranch. Examination of the President's reply to the N. Haven remonstrance. N.Y. 1801

BubTb, Belle Z. Samuel W. E. Bed;- ner, editor of the " Corner Stone " (N.Y.).

Buck, Ruth. Mi s. Joseph Lamb How Charley helped his mother ... L. 1861.

Buddie, Jasper. Albert Smith, who while a member of the London College of Surgeons, in 1838 et seg., attracted at- tention by a series of papers in the "Medical Times," entitled "Jasper Bud- die ; or, Confessions of a Dissecting-room Porter,"

Budlong, Pharaoh Frederic Beechcr Perkins. President Greeley, President Hoffman, and the resurrection of the Eing: a history . . . Budlington, 1872.

Bndock, George. Sydney Hodges. A tale of the "Western Counties.

Burger, Hugo. Hugo Lulliner. Auf der Brautfahrt 1880.

Burger, W. Theophile Etienne Jo- seph Thore'. Histoire des peintres de toutes les ecoles . . . Paris, 1863,

Buffalo Bill. Hon William P. Cody.

Bull, John. Great Britain and Ire- land. See "Strutt,Lord."

Bull, Thomas. William Jones. A letter to John Bull, Esq L. 1793.

Bull, W. Ann Jebb. Two penny- worth of truth for a penny ... L. 1793.

Bullcalf, Peter. Joseph Storrs Fry. The history of John Bull and his throe sons ... By ... L. 1819.

Buller of Brasenose. John Hughes , Esq., celebrated in " Christopher in the Tent," was a contributor to " Blackwood's Magazine," Edinb. 1819, etc.

Bullion, Thomas. Joseph Langton ( * ). Internal management of a country bank. L. 1850.

Bull-us, Hector. James Kirke Pauld- ing. The diverting history of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. KY. 1812.

Bumpas, Azarias. John Quinc?/ Adams Griffin. Reports of cases argued and decided in the Old Fogy Court, dur- ing Hilary and Michaelmas terms, before