Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/71

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Freeholder of Leicester, A. Mev. Dr. Balph Heathcote. Memoirs of the late contested election for the county of Leicester . . . By ... L. 1775.

Freeholder of the County of Sur- rey, A. Joseph Grove. A reply to the famous Jew question . . . By . . L. 1754.

Freeman, Dr. James Russell Endean. The political catechism for 1880-81 : a retrospect, an outlook, and a warning. By . . . L. 1880.

Freeman, Jlrs. Sarah Jennings, the Duchess of Marlborough. Name under which slie corresponded with Queen Anne, who was " Mrs. Morley."

Freeman of the Colony of Connec- ticut, A. Rev. Stephen Johnson. His signature in 1705 to five papers in the New London " Gazette."

Freese, Arthalls. Laura (Freese) Steinlein.

French Minister, The. Pierre Auguste Adet. — See " The Secretary of State."

French Missionary, A. T/ie AbM Manach or Maijnard. Account of the customs and manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets savage nations ... L. 1758.

French Officer, A. Charles de Saint Maure. A new journey through Greece, etc. I.. 1725.

Frere, Alice M. Mrs. Godfrey Cleric. The antipodes and round the world. By . . . L. 1870.

Friend, A. William Harper. Advice of ... to the army and people of Scot- land.

Friend, A. Peregrine Bingham. The book of fallacies, from the unfinished papers of Jeremy Bentham. By ... L. 1824.

Friend, A. Mrs. Hannah F. Lee. Memoir of Hannah Adams. By herself ; with notices by . . . B. 1832.

Friend, A. Edward Mangin. Pioz- -ziana; or, recollections of the late Mrs. Piozzi, with remarks. By ... L. 1833.

Also ascribed to W. Mangin.

Friend, A. James Haduw, D.D. Re- marks upon the case of the Episcopal clergy and those of the E.piscopal per- suasion considered . . . Edinb. 1703.

Friend in the Country, A. George

Li/ttelton, Lord Lyttelton. Considerations

upon the present state of our afiairs. In

^ a letter . . . from ... L. 1739.

^ -Friend ia the North, A. Ebon C.

j/* Ingersoll. A letter from . . . with special

reference to the effects of disunion upon

slavery. P. 1856.

Friead of Domestic Industry, A.

Caleb Gushing. Summary of the practi- cal principles of political economy . . . Camb., Mass., 1826.

Friend of India, A. Frederick John Shore. Remarks on the affairs of India. By . . . L. 1852.

Friend of that College, A. John Lowell. Review of Dr. Morse's " Appeal to the Publick," principally with refer- ence to that part of it which relates to Harvard College. By . . . n.p. 1814.

Friend of the Author, A. Alexander Bruce. The Scottish I5ehemoth dis- sected . . . Edinb. 1722

Friend of the Author, A. James Thomson. A defence uf the New Sopho- nisba : a tragedy ... By . . . L. 1730.

Friend of the Christian E.xamlner, and a Ijover of Truth, A. John Prince, D.D. Some remarks on the writings of a " Lover of Cudworth and Truth " [Rev. George Barrell Cheever] . . . By . . . Salem, 1834.

Friend of the Clergy, A. .lonathan Warne. A remonstrance addressed to the clergy, shewing where the charge of Deism . . . will necessarily terminate. By . . . L. 1731.

Friend of the Established Church, A. Rev. Frederick Toll. A plain and proper answer to the question, " Why does not the Bishop of Clogher . . . resign his preferments . . . ?" By . . . L. 1753.

Friend of the People, A. Henry Brougham, Lord Brougham and Vaux. Letters to the queen on the state of the monarchy. By . . . L. 1838.

Friend of Truth, A. Rev. Elisha Scott Williams. A serious and familiar dialogue concerning the divine ordinance of baptism. By ... B. 18 — .

Friend of Truth and Peace, A. James Ramsay. A series of interesting questions on the nature ... of Gospel- churches ... By . . . Edinb. 1800.

Friend to Candour and Truth, A. 0. G. Gilchrist. Hypercriticism exposed ... By . . . L. 1812.

Also ascribed to Stephen Janes.

Friend to Consistency, A. James Wi/att. A comparative view of the opinions of Mr. James Boaden (editor of the " Oracle ") in February, March, and April, 1795, and of James Boaden, Esq., (author of "Eontainville Forest," and of a " Letter to George Steevens, Esq.") in February, 1796, relative to Shakespeare Mss. By . . . L. 1796.

Friend to Female Beauty, A. Richard Russell. War with the senses; or, free thoughts on snuff-taking. By . . . L. 1782.