Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/418

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Periodical cicada, air chamber, 205 broods, 2rs-OEr 7 death of adults, 214 digging methods, 19o , 191 egg laying, 212-2 I4 eggs, 212, OEI 9 food, OE0O front leg of nymph, 19o hatching of eggs, head of aduh, 2oi huts, turrets, 192 mouth parts, OEoI-2O 5 musical instruments, 199 , OEo 7- nymphal chambers, I87-189 stages, 186, 187 nymphs, 185-i93 , ovipositor, 199 races, salivary pump, 204 song of large variety, 21o, OE! I of small variety, OEil, sucking mechanism, transformation, 193-199 two varieties, ?99 young nymphs, 223-225 Phagocytes, 259 , Phaneroptera, 38 Pharynx, I ?o Phylloxera, I72 Phylum, OE6 Physiology of tent caterpillar, 283 Plant lice, 152 Plasmodium, 342 Proboscis of moth, 3o7, 3o8 Promethea moth, 228, 2°-9 Propupa of tent caterpillar, 296- OE98 Protoplasm, IOO Pterophylla camellifolia, see Katy- did Pupa, OE5 o, 253 , ?54 added stage in metamorphosis,

Pupa, definition, of flies, 3OE7 house fly, 345 mosquitoes, 334, 339, 34 I tent caterpillar, OE98 reason for, OE57 Puparium, of house fl?, 344 Queen termite, 1.34, I49 R Rat-tailed maggot, 327 Reproduction, lO? Reproductive organs, I?2 Respiration, ! 14 Reticulitermes, ? 36 lire history, 136-I41 Rhadophorinae, 55 Roaches, 77, 8o and other ancient insects, 77 eggs, 8% 81 Robber flies, 324 Rocky Mountain locust, I7, 18, 19 Rosy apple aphis, I68-17o Round-headed katydids, 37 /lmblycorypha oblongifolia, 39 angular-winged, 4? fork-tailed bush, 39 Microcentrum, 4 I, 43 Phaneroptera, 38 Scudderia, 38, 39 S Sarcophaga kellyi, ? 9 2 I Scudderia, 38 fl«rcata, see Fork-tailed bush katydid Segments of body, 12 Sense organs, 121

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