Page:J Allan Dunn--The Girl of Ghost Mountain.djvu/117

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future talks with Ghost Mountain in a measure of secrecy. "I will show you how to catch the sun in a mirror, how to flash it."

"In Morse dot and dash?"

"Not so complicated. There is no separation into dots and dashes."

He showed her the letters he had set down in a square.

C  H  S  D  J 

Z  R  K  M  Q 

T  O  W  I  B 

A  E  G  L  U 

V  P  N  Y  F 

"I have left out X. Now, in case you want to send a message—'Waffles for example, you flash out first the column in which the letters stand and then the number of that letter in that column.

"Three and three again would mean W. A is one and then four; F, five and five; L, four and four; E, two-four; S, three-one. Go to the edge of the cliff where we saw you first and shoot the sun. We'll catch it at Circle S ten miles away, and soon you'll see us streaking it for the waffles. If you ever want us at night, start a fire. It might be well to build one in readiness."

"Protection as well as neighborliness. It lines up with the gate. Thank you. You will make a copy of this. And now, will you show me how to use the mirror?"