Page:J Allan Dunn--The Girl of Ghost Mountain.djvu/241

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There were six. in the treasure salvage expedition that started for the City of Silence; Sheridan, Jackson, Quong and three of the cowboys. Circle S was left in temporary charge of Stoney, who was forced, much to his disgust, to be at once foreman and cook. Sheridan said nothing of the purpose of the trip. The three men he took with him regarded it in the nature of a lark, well content not to ask questions so long as there was something new in the wind. As for the rest, Sheridan believed the time for talking was after, not before the thing was attempted.

The west was still west in the neighborhood of Chico Mesa. With such trove to uncover, the rule of "findings keepings" would hold good. Quong's knowledge of the secret would be no protection. There were plenty who would consider their claim as good as any white man's, much better than a Chink's. And there were men clever and unscrupulous enough, where such a sum was concerned, to tie up the whole expedition, to suggest or invent holding rights in the property, to throw the matter into the courts.

Sheridan rode Goldie, the sorrel mare, quite recovered from her lameness, Jackson the horse that once was Hollister's, a dark bay that was beginning