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Basel Congress Basel Program


Dr. Karpel Lippe of Jassy, Rumania, well known his work in the Jewish colonization movement in Rumania, acted as honorary president of the first Congress; while Dr. Theodore Herzl was on each occasion unanimously elected as chairman. The resolutions as well as the reports of the meetings of each Congress were noted in the stenographic records and were soon afterward printed. The first Basel Congress stated, in the Basel Program:, the aim and purpose of Political Zionism. The Congress was attended by about one hundred and fifty delegates the second and the third each by about two hundred and fifty. The fourth was held in London, but the fifth, held at Basel, was attended by 300 persons. These delegates were elected according to a statute of organization, which


A Basel newspaper

570 writes, at the close of the third

Congress: "Every parliament might take this Jewish Congress as an example. Bibliography

T. Herzl,

Der BtucUr

Congress, Vienna, 1897

Stenoaraphisches ProtokoU ol the 2d-oth Congresses, Vienna (Verein Erez Israel), 1898-1903 and the reports published in Die Welt (Vienna), The Jew. Chronicle (London), American Hebrew (New York)



canton of Switzerland. It did not admit the French Jews, who had bought property in Liestal, the capital of the canton, notwithstanding the treaties existing between Switzerland and France. Jews have only recently resided The few Jews who had nevertheless setin Liestal. tled there were expelled in 1839, in spite of the

Delegates' Card at the Second Zionist Congress at Basel.

was accepted

This statute at the third Congress. provides that every hundred contributors of one The shekel are entitled, to one representative. minimum shekel for the various countries is as follows one franc for every country using the franc as current coin; Germany, one mark; Austria, one crown; Russia, 40 copecks; America, 25 cents; Great Britain, one shilling; Holland, 50 cents. As most of the delegates were commissioned by more than one group, it may be said that they represented Jews from all parts of the globe, a unique occurrence in the history of the Jewish Diaspora. The reception given them by the inhabitants of Basel was in every respect excellent. This was largely due to the authoritative articles on the aim and purpose of the Congress and of the "Zionist Movement," which were published in the daily press; and still more to the fact that the proceedings were conducted publicly, under well-known leadership, and according to parliamentary rules.

protests of the French government. Even as late as Nov. 17, 1857, a law was passed decreeing that " the rights of settlement, of plying a handicraft, and of trading are forbidden to every Jew without exception." Whoever received a Jew into business or into his family was liable to a fine of 300 francs,

and on repetition of the act was


be imprisoned.

Whoever rented a store to a Jew incurred a penalty of 50 francs. The Jews were, however, permitted to visit the


fairs, to

pass through the canton,

and to stay there temporarily. Bibliography

Denksehrift der Gesandtsclmft der Vereiniqten Staatcn von Nordamerika, Oerichtet an den Schweizerischen Bundesrath vom 26. Mai, 1859, Bienne, 1863. d. M. K.





stood the program of Political Zionism at the first ical-Zionist



drawn up

Basel Congress, as the aim of the politmovement. The Basel Program was

unanimously accepted

at the


session of the