Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/194

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"What dost thou expect to get therefrom?"

"Why, grapes, of course. Out of the grapes I shall get wine which makes the heart merry."

"Come, Father Noah, this hill is very large. Let me also help thee in thy work and we will become partners of the vineyard. Thou art old and thy sons do not help thee. Thou wilt be glad of my help, for I know how to plant a vineyard."

"That's more than I do."

"So I can see."

"Very well, I agree."

The stranger was none other than Satan. He left Noah for a few minutes and when he returned he brought with him a lamb. He killed it beneath the vine which Noah had planted. He then went away and brought back a lion. He slew it also beneath the vine. He then fetched a swine and killed it. Finally he brought an ape and slew it also. He mixed the blood of these four animals and poured it over the ground of the vineyard. Meanwhile Father Noah was looking on with surprise. He turned to his partner and asked:

"Why hast thou done this strange performance? What does it all mean?"

"What I have done points to the different effects which wine has upon all who drink it."

"Please explain. I do not understand thy meaning."

"Before a man drinks wine he is like a lamb, with-