Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/214

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and well. He dressed and hurried along to find his troops.

Now when Kenaz had gone down alone to fight the Amorites an angel had cast upon his three hundred horsemen a heavy sleep. They slept soundly and knew not anything of all that Kenaz had done. Finding them on his return fast asleep, he put his trumpet to his lips and blew a loud blast. In a second the horsemen awoke. They stared at him with wondering eyes for they were mightily surprised to see the first streaks of dawn. "What of the night?" they asked one another.

"Tell us, Kenaz, what happened during the past night?" they cried.

"Come ye with me and see with your own eyes what God has done for us through my hand."

He led on and they followed him. When they came to the camp of the Amorites, lo! the ground was covered with thousands of dead bodies. The horsemen of Kenaz were greatly astonished at what they saw and looked every man on his neighbor. Their leader saw their surprise and asked them:

"Why do ye marvel? Are then the ways of God as the ways of men? With man a large number is a matter of importance, but with God numbers do not count. If God willed to give dctory unto Israel through me His servant, wherefore marvel ye? Now arise and let us go home to our brethren."

When all Israel heard of the mighty victory gained