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on couches of moss and leaves. Greatheart and the pilgrims stood still and looked at them; and some shook their heads, not knowing what to do.

Then Mercy and Greatheart went to them to awaken them; that is, if they could. But each cautioned the other not to sit down or recline upon the tempting couches in the arbor, lest they too should in like manner fall asleep.

They spoke to the men. They called them by name. There was no answer. Then Greatheart shook them hard, and did what he could to arouse them. Heedless groaned and opened his eyes a little.

"I will pay you when I get my money," he muttered; and with that he turned over and was fast asleep again.

Then Greatheart shook the other one, whose name was Too-bold. He did not even so much as move; but he stammered, "I'll fight so long as I can hold my sword in my hand."

At this, one of the children laughed; but the guide looked sorrowful.

"What does all this mean?" asked Christiana.

"They talk in their sleep," answered Greatheart. "But no man can rouse them from this sleep. We have done what we could."