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66 Prayers and Meditations.

nearer the altar, and read the collects chosen for meditation. I prayed for Salusbury x and I think the Thrales. I then com municated with calmness, used the collect for Easter day, and returning to the first pew, prayed my prayer the third time. I came home, again used my prayer and the Easter Collect. Then went into the study to Boswel 2 , and read the Greek Testament. Then dined, and when Boswel went away ended the four first chapters of St. Matthew, and the Beatitudes of the fifth.

I then went to Evening prayers, and was composed.

I gave the Pewkeepers each $s. $d. z

Apr. i 2 near one in the morning. I used my prayer with my ordinary devotions, and hope to lead henceforward a better life.


June 1 8, 1773, Friday.

This day after dinner died Mrs Salusbury, she had for some days almost lost the power of speaking. Yesterday as I touched her hand and kissed it, she pressed my hand between her two hands, which she probably intended as the parting caress 4 . At night her speech returned a little ; and she said among other things to her daughter, I have had much time, and I hope I have used it. This morning being called about nine to feel her pulse I said at parting God bless you, for Jesus Christs sake. She smiled, as pleased. She had her senses perhaps to the dying moment.


July 22, 73.

This day I found this book 5 with the resolutions, some of which I had forgotten, but remembered my design of reading the Pentateuch and Gospels, though I have not perused it.

1 Mrs. Salusbury, Mrs. Thrale's entertained at his table.' Life, ii. 215.

mother, who was dying of cancer. 3 The fourth part of a guinea.

Letters, i. 196, n. 5. 4 Writing of her a few weeks

3 'To my great surprise,' writes earlier he said: 'Part we must at

Boswell, * he asked me to dine with last, but the last parting is very

him on Easter-day. I never sup- afflictive. When I see her I shall

posed that he had a dinner at his torment her with caressing her.'

house ; for I had not then heard of Letters^ i. 213.

any one of his friends having been 5 A book in which this, and the


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