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with Lord Byron.

owed the pâté more to selfishness than generosity." Seeing us smile at this he said: "When you know me better, you will find that I am the most selfish person in the world; I have, however, the merit, if it be one, of not only being perfectly conscious of my faults, but of never denying them; and this surely is something, in this age of cant and hypocrisy."

The journal to which Lord Byron refers was written by one of our party, and Lord Byron, having discovered its existence, and expressed a desire to peruse it, the writer confided it to him."

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APRIL 14, 1823.

"MY DEAR LORD: I was not in the way when your note came. I have only time to thank you, and to send the 'Galignani's.' My face is better in fact, but worse in appearance, with a very scurvy aspect; but I expect it to be well in a day or two. I will subscribe to the Improving Society. "Yours in haste, but ever,

"APRIL 22, 1823.

"MILOR: I received your billet at dinner, which was a good one - with a sprinkling of

See Moore's Life, vol. ii. p. 686, 4to edition. Here also follow several letters in Moore's Byron.